Hi, I currently have a T-mobile BlackBerry EMAIL plan with unlimited email only (no full internet/data plan). I recently ordered an unlocked iphone -- it's on its way!
1) If I choose to stick with the BB unlimited email plan, how will that work on the iphone? Will I be able to use Internet without a full internet data plan?
2) If I DO want internet on my iphone, what kind of T-MOBILE plan should I pick up when I drop the BB email plan? I have heard that getting the t-zones one for $4.99 added on to a voice plan gets you internet on the iphone. Is this the best/cheapest way to get internet on a t-mobile enabled iphone?
Thanks all!
1) If I choose to stick with the BB unlimited email plan, how will that work on the iphone? Will I be able to use Internet without a full internet data plan?
2) If I DO want internet on my iphone, what kind of T-MOBILE plan should I pick up when I drop the BB email plan? I have heard that getting the t-zones one for $4.99 added on to a voice plan gets you internet on the iphone. Is this the best/cheapest way to get internet on a t-mobile enabled iphone?
Thanks all!