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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 6, 2014
Did the people who ordered their M4 iPad from T-Mobile any of them did you have your order rerouted from UPS? If so, what were the options available when you able to send to access point? Or no? My iPad should be coming in in a few days, but I won't be home and I wanna reroute it.

I tried yesterday to pick one up in the store. They had me. Just a display model. They wouldn't sell me. after telling me they had one left in stock waste of my time.

Thanks for the help from anyone who can assist.


macrumors 6502
May 8, 2008
Yes, unfortunately I completely agree with Darksorrow82 I ordered mine from T-Mobile the Friday before lunch and I didn’t get mine until Thursday. I unfortunately have never had to reroute mine when I used to live in Redmond Washington. I was able to route it to the Customer Care center, which is the distribution center for my area and I could come and pick it up, instead of waiting for it to be delivered, but I have not seen anything like that in California
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