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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 12, 2008
Is it me, or does ⌘+clicking on a link or ⌘T open up a new tab in a random position? Sometimes it opens it up as the next tab, sometimes it's the last tab, I swear sometimes it's in the middle... There appears to be no logic to it.

Is there some kind of system or criteria I'm missing?

Basically I've been using the oldschool Safari extension OpenAtEnd to give me consistent behavior, but the ability to sideload extensions appears to have been removed in Safari 13.

Does anyone know of a modern way to force tabs to open up at the end, or at minimum, as the next tab? This random (seeming) behavior is super annoying...
It's not just you, it's something I have noticed as well. I've never had tabs open somewhere in the middle, but whether a new tab opens after the currently active one or after the last tab seems random and different each time I try it. I can only assume this is a bug in Safari 13. I haven't found any way to work around this, sadly. Unless someone else has I guess we will have to live with it for now and hope it gets fixed.
What I'm finding is that Command-T now opens the new tab directly to the right of the tab that I'm viewing. Clicking the "+" button ('create a new tab') opens a tab at the far right (directly to the left of the 'create a new tab' button). Considering the consistency of the behavior, I think it's a feature, not a bug.
It's not consistent behavior though.

I had this tab open, and hit ⌘T four times. It opened up three tabs next to the current tab, and then the fourth tab it opened up at the end (you can see the "Favorites" after two other tabs I already had open):
Screen Shot 2019-10-01 at 6.29.05 pm.png
Yes, it's anything but consistent. I've done tests like that too after first noticing it and the result is different almost every time. I doubt it's a feature.
It's July 29, 2022 and I am sad to say this consistent behavior is STILL happening! It annoys the crap out of me but I'm glad I don't think I'm crazy anymore 🤣
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