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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 7, 2009
Hi there,
I am using Table View Control. In the control, I show File/Folders details, if I reduce the size of file/folder name column, it does not show partial file/folder name (whatever characters can be shown in the Column). Attached is the image.
If a file name has multiple words in it, if enough space is not there to show a word then that word does not get shown at all, instead of showing some characters in that word (Either a word gets shown completely, or not at all)

I want to know how to resolve this issue.

Thanks so much.


  • FileNameColumn.jpg
    42.2 KB · Views: 93
in iPhoneOS the UILabel class has properties

@property BOOL adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth;
@property UILineBreakMode lineBreakMode;

If whatever classes you're using to draw the text has similar properties you will probably want to make adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = NO and lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeTailTruncation

The latter being responsible for displaying the ... after it cannot fit any more text.
Normally it should at least clip some characters off, but it appears you're using a custom class so post the code in your cell's .m file that's drawing the text.
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