I have been trying out to use tableViews as navigation in an App. If I have a tableView and the user selects a cell a detailed view will be displayed. Which is the best way to send the data saved for a specific object to the detailed view? If I have a car object and this object has a brand and a color variable. Shall I from the tableView where the user clicks on the cell, set the proper labels or text in the detailed view? Or should I rather send the object to the detailed view in a method like
and then use this object to fill the labels and the texts in the detaield view.
Thanks in advance!
I have been trying out to use tableViews as navigation in an App. If I have a tableView and the user selects a cell a detailed view will be displayed. Which is the best way to send the data saved for a specific object to the detailed view? If I have a car object and this object has a brand and a color variable. Shall I from the tableView where the user clicks on the cell, set the proper labels or text in the detailed view? Or should I rather send the object to the detailed view in a method like
[theViewControllerObject sendObject:object];
Thanks in advance!