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macrumors 601
Original poster
So this was going to be thread asking if there was a way to switch between tabs in Safari without having to use the mouse to click on them. I even looked through the Safari Help thing and got nothing. Then as I was typing I considered the option of just going back to non-tabbed browsing and toggling through windows. I checked it out in the Window menu, and sure-as-**** there sits the keyboard shortcut for switching between tabs! Glad I found that before I submitted. I'm reminded of the time a friend of mine said he didn't use Safari because you couldn't search from the menu-bar like in IE. I gave him a dose of the 'it's right ****ing there pill' but it appears that I should have kept it for myself. :p
Originally posted by abhishekit
and how do you do switchin with keyboard?/:confused:

Previous tab is command-shift-left arrow and next tab is command-shift-right arrow. They are the third and forth items in the Window menu.
Kind of an akward shortcut. I prefer something like command-e or something. I also discovered a shortcut I never noticed anywere. When I switched to OSX from windows, I missed the option of continuing a text search by tapping enter. When you search (command-f), you can keep the search going by tapping command-g. It works fine for me, but my friend (running 10.2) couldn't do it.
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