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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
So I'm using Taco HTML (A free HTML editor on Version tracker). I'm using the split edit/preview window (which is great. Saves me a lot of time), but I can't figure out how to make the pictures or CSS styles to appear in the preview window. Is there a way to do this? Or is the only thing I can do is upload and check?

i use taco too, and edit my websites on my machine using the same folder hierarchy that i have on the server. that way, i can link to local files and it will still work when i upload the html. it sounds like your links are to files that will be "local" on the server, but don't exist at that location on your machine.

for example, if i have an html file, a css file, and an image file in the same folder on my computer, i can link directly to href='stylesheet.css' or href='image.png' and it will show up in the preview. if you want to reference files that are not on your computer, try putting the actual http address in there, like href=''. that should work.
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