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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 20, 2005
Hi folks,

I scan slides and photos for clients and to date, I've never edited the exif, iptc or metadata. Recently, I've been wondering if I should offer this as an add-on service so they can have more information automatically added to their favourite photo viewing software. Ie. instead of a folder called ' Summer 1969 or whatever the client details', I could tag the actual file. I haven't been asked about it, but I have a feeling clients would be receptive to the idea if I promote it.

But i'm wondering if it's worth the effort. I realized I'd have to tag the actual file instead of using aperture to add a keyword considering this ties to the library.

I'm going to tag my own family photos as I scan those in Aperture, but if I can find a program that is affordable; does the trick easily and will be used throughout future programs, it might be worth it to both me and the client.

Any thoughts? Am I nuts? Any programs to suggest? (I found photo mechanic although it's not cheap).

Ideally, I would scan the photos or slides and then batch tag them.

Thanks in advance,


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2005
Denver, CO
I would only say you were nuts if it was a manual process of updating every single image one at a time, but if Adobe Bridge offers you the templates & batch functionality then no excuses :).

As to offering it as an additional service... hard to say... could I ask the question, should your be offering it as a standard service? If nothing else it gives you one extra thing you can potentially use to promote your services and make you different from the other guy.

As to standard or additional, free or price, I would leave that up to the Pros around here. 1c an image for standard, 3c for custom?


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 20, 2005
I would only say you were nuts if it was a manual process of updating every single image one at a time, but if Adobe Bridge offers you the templates & batch functionality then no excuses :).

As to offering it as an additional service... hard to say... could I ask the question, should your be offering it as a standard service? If nothing else it gives you one extra thing you can potentially use to promote your services and make you different from the other guy.

As to standard or additional, free or price, I would leave that up to the Pros around here. 1c an image for standard, 3c for custom?

lol i would agree with you if it was manual! :)

I was thinking after I posted this, that I'll just make it standard with the date and approximate time, but if a client wants to get detailed, I should charge them b/c I can see that being a time consuming process. ie. me set up a quick photo based website, they email me with titles or descriptions to add, I copy and paste in.

Thanks JB.
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