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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 17, 2009
Denver, co
My last few employers have issued me Macbook Pro's to use on the job. There are a several apps I tend to purchase and install on them with the caveat that the account is not my personal account, but one I create using my work email address for that employer.

Since I'm buying the apps from the Apple store with my own funds, it would be great to bring them with me after I leave the company ( I do 1-2 year contract work ) to the next job. I haven't figured out a way to do this, so I thought I'd brainstorm here.

Some ideas that might ( untested ) work
  1. Add employer account to my personal family account. I might be able to buy the license on my personal account and share it with a family member.
  2. Log into to app store ( not icloud, understandably no employer wants their IP / customer data in the cloud ) with my personal account and authorize the apps on the work laptop. Deauthorize it when I leave the company.

Again, these are only for app that I personally own. Anything the employer purchases, they keep.

Thoughts? Experiences? Advice?
My last few employers have issued me Macbook Pro's to use on the job. There are a several apps I tend to purchase and install on them with the caveat that the account is not my personal account, but one I create using my work email address for that employer.
Thoughts? Experiences? Advice?

Why not just change the email to a personal one for your Apple ID? You can easily setup a new Gmail email and use it, or simply if you already are using a Gmail address, adding or taking out a period from your address. Apple views X.Y and XY as two unique emails but Gmail treats them as the same since it ignores periods before the @. That way, all emails from all your accounts go to the same address.

That may be the most effective solution since you can still access it after you leave.
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Why not just change the email to a personal one for your Apple ID? You can easily setup a new Gmail email and use it, or simply if you already are using a Gmail address, adding or taking out a period from your address. Apple views X.Y and XY as two unique emails but Gmail treats them as the same since it ignores periods before the @. That way, all emails from all your accounts go to the same address.

That may be the most effective solution since you can still access it after you leave.
Change what email? Change my work email? My employer decides what that is. I have 2 Apple Id's , one for work and one for personal use.

You mention Gmail ... I not sure what that is about. Gmail along with other Web mail services are blocked on my employers network, so that is probably not a good idea anyway.

I went with logging into iTunes and the App store with my personal account. I have to careful not to violate licenses though. Besides that issue it seems like the best way to go.
Change what email? Change my work email? My employer decides what that is. I have 2 Apple Id's , one for work and one for personal use.

You mention Gmail ... I not sure what that is about. Gmail along with other Web mail services are blocked on my employers network, so that is probably not a good idea anyway.

I went with logging into iTunes and the App store with my personal account. I have to careful not to violate licenses though. Besides that issue it seems like the best way to go.

I was just suggesting how you can retain access to your work App Store account.

You can change the email associated with the work email on that account so that the AppleID is no longer your work email. You can't have 2 accounts with the same email, the Gmail suggestion was to setup an account with gmail then switch to that email on the App store that currently is associated with your work email. That way, once you leave you can still access all the programs you have associated with the work account; since your AppleID is no longer your work email and thus you can get password resets, etc. at the Gmail address.

This assumes that you own the App store account with the work ID and not your employer; which is what I garnered form your post. There is no need to access gmail from work; all you are doing is changing the app store's Apple ID.

the comment with Gmail and periods was meant to explain that Gmail sees and as the same email so anything sent to either address still shows up in the same inbox, but Apple will see them as two separate emails and thus you can setup separate app store accounts with them.
Can you add another user to the computer? If so, I’d say just add a private user and have that user logged into your private AppleID. Make your purchases from that account. Switch back to your work user for work purposes.
My last few employers have issued me Macbook Pro's to use on the job. There are a several apps I tend to purchase and install on them with the caveat that the account is not my personal account, but one I create using my work email address for that employer.

Since I'm buying the apps from the Apple store with my own funds, it would be great to bring them with me after I leave the company ( I do 1-2 year contract work ) to the next job. I haven't figured out a way to do this, so I thought I'd brainstorm here.

Some ideas that might ( untested ) work
  1. Add employer account to my personal family account. I might be able to buy the license on my personal account and share it with a family member.
  2. Log into to app store ( not icloud, understandably no employer wants their IP / customer data in the cloud ) with my personal account and authorize the apps on the work laptop. Deauthorize it when I leave the company.

Again, these are only for app that I personally own. Anything the employer purchases, they keep.

Thoughts? Experiences? Advice?
#2 is what I do.
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