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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 17, 2008
A few months ago, on a trip to USA, I had purchased a 2g 16GB iPhone.
Since I live in South America, I have not contract with AT&T, so I jailbreak it.

The iPhone show some hardware issues. A friend of mine goes to NY next week, and I am thinking ask him to take the iPhone to the Apple Store.

Any advice on "revirginize" or restore the iPhone so he can claim?

Many thanks in advance
Thanks for your kind and prompt response.

What about AT&T SIM card?

The iPhone show "no service" with this card, so the Apple Store guy knows that there is not contract.

Thank again
I don't believe that there is any policy about having a sim card in your phone. The 2Gs were allowed to be sold without being activated in the store, so I think your friend should be able to take it to the apple store with no sim card in it and it won't make any difference.
I don't believe that there is any policy about having a sim card in your phone. The 2Gs were allowed to be sold without being activated in the store, so I think your friend should be able to take it to the apple store with no sim card in it and it won't make any difference.

Last time I checked,
no iPhone contract = no service
hardware issues?

Plus if you restore to 2.2 through iTunes (as another
poster suggested,) you actually WON'T BE ABLE
to unlock, so I advice you be careful.

What kind of hardware issues are you having?
Unless you have a broken button or no response
from the touch screen, you should be able to
pretty much restore the phone (using PWNAGE TOOL
NOT ITUNES) and most of your issues should be

P.S. Yo hablo español en caso de que te sea más fácil.)
Please, excuse me if I wrote this post in Spanish, is better for me to explain.

Gracias por tu respuesta.
Los problemas que tengo son:

1.-No lo puedo apagar. Cuando oprimo el botón de encendido y luego deslizo el "slide" de apagarlo, la pantalla se va a negro, aparece la rueda giratoria, se apaga, y a los 2-3 segundos se enciende solo.

2.-Cuando está en "sleep" ocasionalmente la pantalla se enciende sin ningún motivo

3.-De vez en cuando aparece un mensaje que dice "este dispositivo no puede utilizarse con este iPhone, ¿quiere ponerlo en modo avión?

Cuido mucho el iPhone, nunca lo he golpeado ni mojado.

Obviamente ya hice todas las cosas habituales, (restart, restore, borrar todo el contenido, etc)

Por cierto, le hice un restore completo con iTunes, luego le corrí Pwnage 2.2 y lo desbloqueó sin ningún problema.

Quisiera saber si alguien ha tenido la experiencia de cambiarlo por garantía sin tener contrato con AT&T, (haciedo un restore, por supuesto)

Perdona lo extenso del mensaje, mucho te sabría agradecer toda la ayuda que puedas darme.

puedes escribir en Inglés para respetar al resto de los usuario. Lo entiendo bien, pero como verás no soy muy bueno escribiendo.
His problems (in English)

1. He can't turn it off. When he holds down the power button, the slide to power off screen comes up. He slides it and the loading wheel displays. Then it goes away and the phone goes back to being turned on.

2. Sometimes when the phone's in sleep mode, the screen will turn on for no reason.

3. He gets the message about: "This device does not work with the iPhone, (do you want us to put it in airplane mode).

His phone hasn't been dropped or gotten wet.

He tried turning it off, restarting, etc.

He says he restored it in iTunes and repwned it.. but I don't see how that's possible if his phone needs to be unlocked. :confused:

He wants to know if someone has already exchanged a phone without a contract with AT&T (after doing a restore).

Thanks, and you can respond in English.
Thanks a lot capo64 for your kindness in translate my post!!!

And yes, I Erased all Content and Setting, restored it in iTunes and repwned with 2.2.

Best wishes
this is silly

give a genius your phone number and he can tell you if it's been activated through AT&T

why go through all this trouble when they answer will be no anyway unless you get a genius that just doesn't care
I assume you already know about the hard reset. Holding the home button and the power button down together till the phone restarts. Worth a try. If the hard reset does not help and a restore then it sounds like it could be a hardware issue.

Many have also said that once you restore the phone to go under: settings - general - resets - reset all settings. This is important to clear any evidence of jailbreak from the phone. I am not sure why restoring does not do this totally but a total reset does.
Thanks a lot lavrisevo, I do what you suggest.

Ex8886 and SFStateStudent:

Would you please elaborate a little more your answer?

(Remember that I live outside USA)

Does my friend just buy an AT&T prepaid card? It so: where? AT&T stores?

Does the card need to be activated?

If he inserts the card in the restored iPhone it is recognized?

I really appreciate all your time and help.
His problems (in English)

1. He can't turn it off. When he holds down the power button, the slide to power off screen comes up. He slides it and the loading wheel displays. Then it goes away and the phone goes back to being turned on.

2. Sometimes when the phone's in sleep mode, the screen will turn on for no reason.

3. He gets the message about: "This device does not work with the iPhone, (do you want us to put it in airplane mode).

His phone hasn't been dropped or gotten wet.

He tried turning it off, restarting, etc.

He says he restored it in iTunes and repwned it.. but I don't see how that's possible if his phone needs to be unlocked. :confused:

He wants to know if someone has already exchanged a phone without a contract with AT&T (after doing a restore).

Thanks, and you can respond in English.

I know this is random and off topic but this is one of the nicest things i have seen on Macrumors. nice going capo64.

I wish i could translate or speak more than one language.
Hi OP,

In NY, you can buy an AT&T prepaid Sim card at any AT&T store. There are tons of them all over the city. Go to, and use the "store locator" feature to find a store that is located near where your friend will be.

One thing to tell your friend to keep in mind: the AT&T employees are famous for not being very knowledgable, so they might try to tell your friend that prepaid SIMs won't work with the iPhone. Tell your friend not to listen to them, if this happens and to buy it anyway. It WILL work.

Also, make sure that you have your friend make an appointment at the genius bar at the Apple store, and tell him that even with an appointment, he will still likely be waiting there for a while. The NY stores are very busy, and they will definitely turn him away, without an appointment. He/You can make the appointment through I'd recommend making it at least 2-3 days in advance, so you can get the appointment time you want.

Good luck!
Hi OP,

In NY, you can buy an AT&T prepaid Sim card at any AT&T store. There are tons of them all over the city.


Is there an special reason to get an AT&T prepaid Sim card?
I still have the original AT&T SIM that came with the iPhone.

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