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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 1, 2008
On The Nickel, over there....
Okay, I realize this is a VERY basic question, but coming from a film background I think I better ask it:
Taking a digital camera through airport security x-ray machines. Are there any precautions that need to be taken? Have it hand-searched? Run it through the machine, media card and all? Any info is appreciated!
Thank you in advance for helping out a newbie.


macrumors regular
Jan 26, 2008
Chicago, IL
I've brought my digital camera through the x-ray numerous times, and have had no problems.

Funny you mention about film: I was on a 2 week camping trip in Colorado over the summer, and on the 3rd day of my trip my digital camera broke, so I was forced to buy disposable cameras at the tiny town an hour away from where I was....I went through six of them, and when I was coming back home through the Colorado Springs airport, I showed them the six disposable cameras, and they had to swab all of them and then run the swab through an explosives detector..took It turned out that one of the cameras was ruined, for whatever reason.

Edit: Here's a 2004 DP Review article about the subject:


macrumors 6502
Jan 1, 2007
I've had to open my bag for the people three or four times 500mm lens looks suspicious, I think.

But you won't have any problems with the Xray machines that I know of. I've never heard of anyone having a problem.


macrumors 68000
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Digital won't have a problem. Film does though I believe(actual film, not the camera) unless they've updated the X-Ray machines to not destroy film. Which might have happened.


macrumors member
Apr 8, 2007
The Wired
If you have any older model lenses, be prepared for a hand search. One of my lenses uses leaded glass and looks rather solid under x-ray so they like to swab it. a lot. But as for damage to equipment, I think the biggest risk is leaving something behind!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2008
Stuttgart, Germany
X-Rays won't hurt digital equipment, I've gone through plenty of airport security with my camera bag without the scanners causing any issues.

One thing though, and this depends on the airport, if you have a fairly full bag of gadgets, I've had some customs people request I take the camera out of the bag, either so they can examine it by hand, or so that it can go through the X-Ray machine on its own?

(At the Israeli customs in Taba, I had to take the camera out and show them it worked!)


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2005
Denver, CO
(At the Israeli customs in Taba, I had to take the camera out and show them it worked!)

Noting this, I would suggest that you have a battery with some charge left so you can power it on and take a photo just in case. Maybe make sure the battery is charged up the night before.
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