The wifi has recently bumed out on my Unlocked iPhone. I've tried a restore and deleting all my apps and nothing seems to be fixing it. So i guess it's a hardware problem.
What should i do about the unlocked firmware?
1.Do i restore to the usb cable and iTunes picture and remove my orange sim card and put the o2 one that came with the phone in.
2.Just take the simcard out while the phone is on an hope apple don't look at the settings (i guess they can see if its been modified?).
I hate not having wifi
What should i do about the unlocked firmware?
1.Do i restore to the usb cable and iTunes picture and remove my orange sim card and put the o2 one that came with the phone in.
2.Just take the simcard out while the phone is on an hope apple don't look at the settings (i guess they can see if its been modified?).
I hate not having wifi