how to change the cache disk for app store telegram?
I download videos a few gb at a time and they all load on my ssd with 256gb of memory.
I have an external ssd but I can't store cache on it, I can't install telegram on the external drive, is this something apple still can't implement?
Tried telegram desktop, made a portable version of it, but it's unstable for silicone processors, consuming 3-4gb of RAM per night at idle
I download videos a few gb at a time and they all load on my ssd with 256gb of memory.
I have an external ssd but I can't store cache on it, I can't install telegram on the external drive, is this something apple still can't implement?
Tried telegram desktop, made a portable version of it, but it's unstable for silicone processors, consuming 3-4gb of RAM per night at idle