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^^ CoolMacLover

macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 26, 2009
On A Apple
So I'm thinking about getting one, but i want someone to talk me into getting one, pros/cons, etc and etc to do with getting one. :D

Dont be boring either, think as if u get some cash out of it :p
So I'm thinking about getting one, but i want someone to talk me into getting one, pros/cons, etc and etc to do with getting one. :D

Dont be boring either, think as if u get some cash out of it :p

Let me talk you out of it. I promise you that if you have to rely on someone talking you into it, you don't see the need and will hate it!

edit: We have three in our house and we would be hard pressed to live without them.
I don't remember the last time I put a DVD in and watched it. I always pop the DVD into my PC, rip it, convert it and watch it on Apple TV, sync it to my iPad or iPhone, or use AirVideo to stream it while out and about it.

To be able to browse all your movies, music and TV shows while laying in bed or sitting on the couch is great.

Renting movies is easy. Watching free content is great. It's not a perfect device, but I certainly wouldn't want to be without one.
If you're just looking to spend money on something that you don't see a clear need for (or even forget need, just a clear desire for) then send it to me instead. I'll put it in my children's college fund and you get the satisfaction of knowing you helped somebody. The warm glow that gives you inside will replace the emptiness engendered by most Hollywood blockbusters anyway.
I love my :apple:TV, but as some others have said it doesn't really seem like you are that interested. It is iTunes on your TV. If you do some hacks it is much more, but it really is as simple as that. I really hate to put dvd's in and really only watch the dvd's I have ripped or the HD movies I have purchased. If 720p isn't enough for you then don't get it. Just get a BD player. But like I said I love mine. Not perfect, but nothing really is.
I like mine just so I don't have to look at this every time I want to watch a movie:


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Since I movie rentals became available in Ireland last week I think Apple TV is the way to go for me.

I was thinking of gettig a Macmini and trying to set it up that way as a mutli media centre.

But having read about the ATV supercharger patch which allows a external HD to have my existing movies libary, I'm thinking what's the downside???

The HDMI and optical output will allow very high quality in terms of picture and sound so I'm all set to order BUT before I do are there any updates due soon?

Couldn't see any advice on the buying guide.

thanks in adance

I haven't handled a DVD in months.

I have two kids who would lose them, leave cases and discs around the house for us to pick up and put back all the time.

Movies are always there, accessible from the sofa in the TV room.

Quality is good. My ripped DVD collection looks fine to my eyes, iTunes HD purchases look great (not Blu-Ray, but then I don't have to fiddle with discs and players now).

When I want to take a movie on a car or plane trip, I put it on my iphone or ipod for the kid(s).

When I want to watch something on the computer in the office, I do.

I'm happy to sit out this next iteration physical media and wait for it to catch up to me. I did that with CDs and was very happy with the decision.

Overall, it's been wonderful cutting the cord of physical media.
I haven't handled a DVD in months.

I have two kids who would lose them, leave cases and discs around the house for us to pick up and put back all the time.

Movies are always there, accessible from the sofa in the TV room.

Quality is good. My ripped DVD collection looks fine to my eyes, iTunes HD purchases look great (not Blu-Ray, but then I don't have to fiddle with discs and players now).

When I want to take a movie on a car or plane trip, I put it on my iphone or ipod for the kid(s).

When I want to watch something on the computer in the office, I do.

I'm happy to sit out this next iteration physical media and wait for it to catch up to me. I did that with CDs and was very happy with the decision.

Overall, it's been wonderful cutting the cord of physical media.

As I converted a 10,000 vinyl 12" collection and over 500 cds to soft media the idea of having no physical media sounds great.

having everything within iTunes is always a plus too.

I'm sold!

Ordering tomorrow but last thing, are any updates due???
Mini + Plex, more expensive but 1000 times better.

I'm tempted by the Mini as it'll only be another €250 but please fogive my ignorance what's the 'Plex'?

Also is no HDMI a major drawback or is there a way around it?
I'm tempted by the Mini as it'll only be another €250 but please fogive my ignorance what's the 'Plex'?

Also is no HDMI a major drawback or is there a way around it?

An extremely simplified answer: Plex is a Front Row replacement, that offers more functionality. Check out Http:// for more info.

You can buy an adapter for any video output (DVI, MiniDP, MiniDVI) to HDMI. Go to to find the adapter.
I bought a Mini to run Plex for my livingroom because I got tired of waiting for new ATV hardware. I love the way Plex handles movies, particularly that it can play 1080p MKV's. I don't see it as an all in one solution though because I don't care for the way it handles music and it's not as user friendly as the ATV. Plus it won't play iTMS music videos and movies. I'll be near the front of the line when Apple releases a 1080p capable ATV.
I'm sold!

Ordering tomorrow but last thing, are any updates due???

Glad to hear it, it's a great product. It's not a full fledged media pc - and for me, that's great. I don't want a wireless keyboard and/or mouse cluttering up my living room. For some that's great, and that's mostly what you'll get with a mac mini/plex solution.

The full blown computer/tv combo is not for everyone - my wife would kill me if I tried to hook up a PC to the living room tv. She wants to turn the system on and start playing media with as few steps as possible in tv fits the bill for her - she uses it often.

As for updates - your crystal ball is as good as any. Could be next month, could be next year.

BTW - my 4 year old is watching Monsters, Inc. on the Apple TV right now. We use it quite a bit - well worth the money.

I will say this - i'm perfectly happy with aTV as it stands now. If something comes along with roughly the same form factor that gives me some updated capability, i'll consider it and move the one I have now down to the basement TV.
Thank you so much for starting this thread. And thank you for all those who have posted. I've been on the fence for a Mac Mini vs. Dell Zino for a media PC. I am realizing that neither option is exactly what I want for the application so why spend $500+. I'm thinking of just getting an Apple TV to tide me over until the right solution presents itself.

My kitchen TV is only a Sony Bravia 19" 720P, so this sounds like a good solution!
For them who say that if I need to be convenced I don't realt want/need it, maybe I am on the fence about getting one?

I'm in the same boat as you... I really want one, already got almost all my movies ripped and converted to iTunes too. Everytime I get ready to pull the trigger though I think about how old the Apple TV hardware is, how the software is good, but not great, and how a MAJOR update seems inevitable.

If you're to the point of needing to be talked into it I would wait a few months and see what happens...
Can't Talk you Into it

I loved my Apple Tvs, notice the plural both of them died due to excessive heat. Until there is a revision to the hardware I would stay away.
Thank you so much for starting this thread. And thank you for all those who have posted. I've been on the fence for a Mac Mini vs. Dell Zino for a media PC. I am realizing that neither option is exactly what I want for the application so why spend $500+. I'm thinking of just getting an Apple TV to tide me over until the right solution presents itself.

My kitchen TV is only a Sony Bravia 19" 720P, so this sounds like a good solution!

no problem. ^_^

Mhmm... I'm at the point where, I have money, I have everything I need, I just need to make up my mind to wait or go ahead and buy it. Bu as many have said no one knows when the next up date is going to be, and I don't want to get one and the next day have apple update it -.-' that would piss me off.
I loved my Apple Tvs, notice the plural both of them died due to excessive heat. Until there is a revision to the hardware I would stay away.

Seriously! My dad's unit could fry an egg. I would also not buy one until Apple develops a REAL remote that involves a power switch and more control options than an NES controller.

Right now, I think the ATV has lost a ton of ground because the cost hasn't dropped in a couple of years and it hasn't gained any features. Meanwhile, Blu-ray Disc players are half the price for twice the features compared to a couple of years ago, most worth your money have Netflix streaming, and now even TV sets are adding a lot of features like Netflix streaming that you think Apple would put in that little box.

I also can't recommend something that so often gives me a Microsoft fit and tells me it won't play X file when it just played it.

The ONLY benefit of ATV is you have all of your iTunes library at your control on a TV. I'm all in on Blu-ray Disc because the quality is better and the movies are far cheaper if I'm patient. For instance, The Dark Knight is $10 at Amazon. On iTunes, it's NOT EVEN AVAILABLE. I have found plenty of BD TV shows for less than $35 on Amazon. But iTunes runs like one sale a year, so it's HD shows (only 720p and Dolby Digital) are $50+.
I vote for Mini+Plex. After the initial setup there is no need to even have a mouse or keyboard. You can have it launch on startup, and if you leave plex fullscreen that's how it will start up. If my tech illiterate parents can use it, then anyone can. It's brilliant.
Movie Rentals, Movie buying (in 720p hi-def and 5.1 audio), TV Show buying (in 720p hi-def and 5.1 audio), and replacing my 19"x19"x6" 400 CD changer.


Oh, have a very first-gen AppleTV, and it's still going (jailbroken for 500gb storage though)
Glad to hear it, it's a great product. It's not a full fledged media pc - and for me, that's great. I don't want a wireless keyboard and/or mouse cluttering up my living room. For some that's great, and that's mostly what you'll get with a mac mini/plex solution.

The full blown computer/tv combo is not for everyone - my wife would kill me if I tried to hook up a PC to the living room tv. She wants to turn the system on and start playing media with as few steps as possible in tv fits the bill for her - she uses it often.

All Plex needs is an Apple remote. You turn on the Mini and Plex laucnhes right away. It's not rocket science. My wife uses Plex for Hulu, Netflix and locally stored TVs and Movies, its easy peasy.
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