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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dear Santa:

Since buying that D-50 about 6 months ago I have mostly been a pretty good boy. Now I've started making my holiday gifts-for-me list. I went by the local Ritz Camera shop this afternoon and looked at these two nice lenses:

Tamron 11-18 ($569)
Sigma 12-24 ($700)

I looked at some other Nikon lenses too, but I haven't been that good so I think we're in the right price range. I hope you won't be offended if I ask some of the elves at MacRumors to tell me what they think about this choice. There will be milk and cookies waiting and I promise to take wildly creative, yet flattering photos of the reindeer.

Your buddy,

EC Flyer


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Tamron? I don't know much about their wide angle, other than that I read a test (not the Ken Rockwell test, which I wouldn't trust anyway....) that compared the Sigma (I forget which model), Tokina, and Tamron, and Nikon 12-24, and they were all very similar in performance.

I own the Tokina 12-24 mm f/4, and I'd recommend that. There's a Sigma 10-20 f/4-5.6 DC lens that's supposed to be very very good. The only reason I'd rather get the Tokina is because it has a constant f/4 aperture, and I like my constant, large apertures. ;)

If I had to do it again, I'd get the Tokina 12-24 mm f/4, or the Sigma 12-24 f/4.5-5.6. I'd consider this Sigma ONLY because it's a DG lens, meaning it's larger and can fit on cameras with a full-frame sensor. But yes, the Tokina is one of the best out there. :)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Thanks, folks. I hadn't considered the Tokina -- somehow I had the impression that they were to be generally avoided. Upon additional research into the Tokina 12-24, I'm pretty favorably impressed and have added it to the short list.

Any opinions on purchasing via brick and mortar stores versus internet vendors (regardless of brand)? Santa wants to know...



macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I don't trust Ken Rockwell's tests. :p "Um....this lens is good. It's not as good because Nikon didn't make it and I don't trust any 3rd party lens makers, and I don't actually do any sort of testing of my lenses, but it takes fantastic photos. In fact, EVERY Nikon lenses take fantastic photos. I don't even know why I'm testing it!"

Anyway, every review I've read on the Tokina says it's an outstanding lens. That, plus the fact that I own it and have gotten wonderful results with it, makes me favour the Tokina 12-24 mm f/4. The Sigma is there because of it's full frame goodness, although I don't see why I'd need such a wide focal length on a FF camera anyway. An 18 mm lens on a FF is just as wide as a Tokina 12-24 is on a current Nikon DSLR, and would probably be better to boot.


macrumors newbie
Jun 8, 2004
I shoot Canon DSLR (1.6x crop) and I've been very happy with my 15-30 Sigma. It's an older lens, but a good one at a good price. There is very little distortion on a APS-C DSLR and great FOV on a film camera or full-frame DSLR. It is a bit of a beast (big and heavy), but . . . if it does not work, you can always hit him with it . . .

I've worked at a camera store for about 5 years, and I consistently prefer Sigma Lenses over Tamron's (and over Canon's in some cases)

Let me know if you need any details.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2003
Focus direction

If it matters to you Tokina is the only 3rd party if I remember correctly that focuses in the same direction as Nikkor lenses. I have used all three and had no trouble with any of them. I wind up using Sigma most of all. After I switched from Nikon to Canon I stopped using Tokina for the focus direction difference. The Tokina lenses I used seemed solid in the pro range with metal barrels and such.


macrumors regular
Original poster
,,,and the winner is...

I ended up looking at everything suggested and bought the Sigma 10-20mm wide angle based on the preponderance of positive testimonials and the output on Flickr and other sites. Got it yesterday -- here's a couple of my first shots...and thanks everyone -- the expertise on this forum has been enormously helpful.


  • Mossy.jpg
    235.2 KB · Views: 182
  • River-Knees.jpg
    220.9 KB · Views: 228

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
I personally use the Tokina 12-24 and have loved it on both the Canon and Nikon platforms.

Played with the Tamron 11-18, and must say that it is also worthy of consideration. Probably the best corrected of the pack. But that is why it only does 11-18 and is slower than some of the others.


Feb 10, 2005
Ventura CA

I have the Sigma too. I was a little nervous after I bought it after a few people began to say it was fragile. I, however, have no issues with it. I think you will be happy with it. I love the shot on the right. How much post production did you do with the image?



macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
You are forgeting the best one.

Sigma 10-20.

It is my favorite lens. Most people swear by this lens.
I have used this lens for 2 week and taken about 100 photos. I could probably swear by this lens now. ;)
I love it and I love the build quality.


macrumors regular
Original poster
I have the Sigma too. I was a little nervous after I bought it after a few people began to say it was fragile. I, however, have no issues with it. I think you will be happy with it. I love the shot on the right. How much post production did you do with the image?


Thanks, Andrew. Slight levels adjustment and a warming filter. I liked the latter better than reducing the sats -- gives it a starker quality.
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