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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 13, 2013
(Western) North Carolina, USA
I'm on 9.1 PB. I just noticed this this morning. Hadn't seen it before. When I double click home button this bar is showing on the bottom of screen. What is it there for? I cant seem to get it to go away. Is there a setting for this somewhere? It is there even when I don't have TT open in background or anything.
It allows you to start something on one device and complete it on another. Tap it and see what happens. For example: Open Safari on your iPhone. Then open your iPad and double-click. You'll see a Safari icon at the bottom of the screen. Tapping it will open whatever you had going in Safari on the iPhone. You can also start a message or email on one device and complete it on another.
I got ya. I feel stupid I hadn't read about that with all the info I have been reading. I am constantly going back and forth on my iPad and iPhone. Thank you so much for the info. It's appreciated!
Actually, this is not due to Handoff. It's Proactive Siri. When you use an app a lot, your iPhone will learn this from you and start suggesting that app at the time you might want to use it. I've got the same with the weather app every morning, because I check it when I wake up. :p

It can be turned off if you want. Just go to Settings > General > Handoff & Suggested Apps > turn off 'Installed apps'

Handoff shows it differently: 'From <device name>'. And not as 'Good morning <name>' like you've got.
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