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Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
I hope this is not an inappropriate topic... to be honest I just found this website and as I have not yet received an "invite" I am not super clear on where they stand on the continuum between clearly legal and clearly limewire. :eek:

But is anyone here a member of TIOTI? Share experiences? What you think of this site? For the most part I use my DVR to tape things, but it does seem like a great idea.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
Hard to tell, but my initial thought is that one still has to pay for any of the sources that one wants to download from, it just appears that this site is an indexed repository for all the shows, kind of a one stop shopping if you will. But if you wanted to get, say, Frisky Dingo, you'd still get taken to the iTunes Store and be forced to buy it from there.
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