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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 5, 2010
I am thinking of returning my AirPods Max purchased from Target. Does anyone know their return policy? It says I must return them in a store, but in their policy it says it might need to be unopened. If I have opened them will I still be able to return them?
I am not quite sure if you purchase with Target Red Card if the return period is extended for more than 15 days honestly. Buying online there isnt a receipt per se which includes a return date which is given when buying something in the store.

Best advice is check with their stores.
It should say on your online receipt or on the Target App. I had over 3 weeks to return mine. It'll specifically say the date. The 15 day thing is for Apple products from Apple store.
It should say on your online receipt or on the Target App. I had over 3 weeks to return mine. It'll specifically say the date. The 15 day thing is for Apple products from Apple store.
Wow, thanks for that info. I never purchased anything online from Target before as I always just went to a store to get what I wanted.

I have till February 12th for a return. I am hoping t-mobile comes through with a SG APM I ordered Dec24th, it is the color I really want so I have time. Nothing yet, they don’t even give any status on what the heck is going on. Last one was “preparing your order”. Yeah right. Pitiful customer service, I will not ever order anything again from them that is in demand. Lesson learned.
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