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Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Ok, in trying to be even more sensitive to the international flavor we have on MR, I am revising my thoughts for a Memorial Day assignment theme.

In taking the "Day in the Life" series of photographic works to a different level.

For US members it is timed for the first "official" Summer weekend. It is a time for parades, BBQs, holiday sales, pools and the beach. But it is also a time to remember those that gave their life for their country. For MR members not in the US it is/may be just another weekend.

No matter, this photo thread is all about the last weekend of this month, and the parts of the world we all share in. Some MR members may chose to get together in order to share in this project.

No big rules for this thread, just some easy guidelines:

- Post only images taken from 12:01AM May 26 through 11:59PM May 29, 2006 (in your respective time zones). This is on the honor system - no one should be checking the time stamps on the images. :)

- Try to post only up to 5 of your best images from that timeframe. Only true abusers will be flogged by each poster in this thread. :)

- When posting an image, let us know if it is not open to be be critiqued. Also feel free to provide a short editorial comment about the photo. Some images are great by themselves, others need some context to be fully appreciated.

- Have fun with this.

We now have about 24 days to plan what we may do for this photo thread. It is my hope that some may use this thread to try to get groups together to shoot with. Also a place for people to ask questions about their thoughts on how to approach this photo task, in order get a better idea on how to get their image. Maybe even with sample images to spark the imagination.

I know it is bad form to post a follow-up to ones own post. :)

But I have a question for those that want to participate in this thread. I know that the mods can close threads; but can they reopen them? If so how would you all feel about this thread being closed for postings during the timeframe that we are supposed to be out shooting in?


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2003
Dallas, Tx
I've got enough time to get my wheels spinning. I shot my heart out last weekend, so hopefully I can come up with quality for the next month. No problems with this thread being locked, as long as we can be reminded once the weekend comes close.

On second thought, bumping it every here and again might work as a better reminder than locking it. This could be the information thread. After the weekend is over, a new posting thread could be created.


macrumors G4
Since I'm in Rome that weekend, it certainly won't be a typical day in the life but I guess it will show me participating in a differend kind of Forum :p

It's also a Bank Holiday in the UK so at least one other nation will have the option of BBQs and beach... parades are less likely!

Chat in this one and then have another one (sans the opening comments) for the actual shots?

I'm not sure I'd lock the thread in between shooting times since you'd have to open it at some point on the Monday for those who it is now Tuesday for. Perhaps create it on the 26th and see how it fills up?


I like the idea, Chip. :)

Unfortunately, my graphic design degree show* and portfolio is due on the 31st May, and so I suspect I'll spend that weekend in somewhat of a frenzy. :p

However, if I do take photos, they may be quite amusing. :D

I certainly look forward to seeing what people do with this.

* For those that don't know - it's the exhibition that marks the end of the 3 or 4 year art or design degree.


macrumors 6502
Mar 6, 2006
Bucks, UK
Brilliant idea, love it! Its my uni's last day of term on the fri, so I know it'll certainly involve drinking, partying, radio presenting and seeing some people for the last time ever...!

Shame I'll have to use my phone for alot of the pics.....


macOSX-tastic said:
im going to the southend air show that weekend! that coinsides nicely. its a shame that my uni exams start the tursday after.


Ooh, Southend airshow brings back memories! Would be good to see pictures. :)

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
On how to handle this threads photo posts

Superdrive said:
On second thought, bumping it every here and again might work as a better reminder than locking it. This could be the information thread. After the weekend is over, a new posting thread could be created.

Applespider said:
Chat in this one and then have another one (sans the opening comments) for the actual shots?

I'm not sure I'd lock the thread in between shooting times since you'd have to open it at some point on the Monday for those who it is now Tuesday for. Perhaps create it on the 26th and see how it fills up?

First Superdrive, bumping is frowned upon on MR, but thanks for wanting to keep this in the forefront.

So far I like the idea you two have about a separate photo thread. Maybe I can create it just before the 26th, have it locked until the mods to unlock for whatever time zone the 30th starts in.

Rower_CPU said:
We can re-open closed threads. :)

Could my last thought above be arranged?

But I hope that we can get some more comments before we start finalizing anything.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2003
Dallas, Tx
Chip NoVaMac said:
First Superdrive, bumping is frowned upon on MR, but thanks for wanting to keep this in the forefront.

Thanks for the review on the rules, boss. Obviously, relevant information being added to the thread would not be against the rules. That might not be the worst idea considering locking the thread would let it sink into nothingness for a few weeks. Anyways, it looks like you are the one calling the shots, so I'll sit back and see what happens.


macrumors G4
Rower_CPU said:
Sure, just report the post and whoever's around will unlock it for you.

'cept if you created the post, you can't report it... ;)

I'm guessing Chip that you're envisaging us all loading up our image (or series) in one hit... rather than us posting a day at a time. Saturday's/Sunday's/Monday's as they happen? Fine by me... I'll be in Rome til Monday evening with limited access.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Superdrive said:
Thanks for the review on the rules, boss. Obviously, relevant information being added to the thread would not be against the rules. That might not be the worst idea considering locking the thread would let it sink into nothingness for a few weeks. Anyways, it looks like you are the one calling the shots, so I'll sit back and see what happens.

Nope not the boss here, sorry if I am coming off that way. It is that "bumping" has bad connotations here. :)

Actually I am looking for insight, and suggestions. Like the one that you and Applespider had - I think it was a great idea for separate photo thread. I want this to be a collaborative effort on how we will approach this. I chose the word "guidelines" purposefully.

Applespider said:
I'm guessing Chip that you're envisaging us all loading up our image (or series) in one hit... rather than us posting a day at a time. Saturday's/Sunday's/Monday's as they happen? Fine by me... I'll be in Rome til Monday evening with limited access.

That was my original thinking, but know thing why make it so hard on anyone. Been thinking that maybe allowing people to post from the very start of the theme period is making more sense. It might provide for some fuel for thought as to what some might do to even post a better one.

Particularly in regards to my "guidelines" comment to Suoerdrive. Just create the thread and ask that people not post till after the theme period starts. Maybe the only thing that would differ is that it would be a sticky.

In trying to think the "one hit" idea through, it may cause people not be truly interested in a very short time. Let it build like the Sunrise/Sunset thread. I know how I feel about being late the "party" in the supersized Mac threads in the other forums here. I guess that is why I wanted a "cooling off" period before posting images. But now thinking that might be stifling to the project.

Thanks for the questions, comments and suggestions guys and gals. Keep them coming. This is an MR/MR DPF project. Yes, I want it to be loose and easy.

As an example if anyone member has submitted 5 stunning images, I see no reason not to ask them to show us more. The 5 image guideline, was to try and force us to do some editing. It came from the request for a single image to be posted in the Macro thread. 5 came from 4 days plus one 'freebie".

Again thanks.



macrumors G4
Chip NoVaMac said:
Just create the thread and ask that people not post till after the theme period starts. Maybe the only thing that would differ is that it would be a sticky.

I notice that you tend to be up quite late. Perhaps just setting it up before you head to bed on 25 May (if you're around) would be enough. That way anyone posting an image after that will be 'in the period' so to speak - and yes, making it a sticky for the weekend would probably be a good idea - along with referencing this thread for those who haven't grasped the idea.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Applespider said:
I notice that you tend to be up quite late. Perhaps just setting it up before you head to bed on 25 May (if you're around) would be enough. That way anyone posting an image after that will be 'in the period' so to speak - and yes, making it a sticky for the weekend would probably be a good idea - along with referencing this thread for those who haven't grasped the idea.

LOL! :) Usually up late, since I don't have to be in to work later than most. :) But with my beach plans (at the present - still waiting on confirmation for reservations at the B&B) I will try to hit bed early that night in order to get a jump on traffic, and in order to be there at sunrise. :)

Applespider said:
making it a sticky for the weekend would probably be a good idea - along with referencing this thread for those who haven't grasped the idea.

Great minds think alike. :) I was going to send Rower_CPU a message asking about putting this thread and the photo threads as stickies (the photo thread like on the 25th or something).


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Applespider said:
'cept if you created the post, you can't report it... ;)

Sure you can, with a little trickery.

Note the post number of your post by mousing over the post number in the upper right - for example, your post above is #2370937. Then click the icon to report any post and change the URL to end with your post number and hit enter in the address bar to reload the page. Enter your reason why and then submit it. :p

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Not your typical "Day (Weekend) in the..." photo shoot

Applespider said:
Since I'm in Rome that weekend, it certainly won't be a typical day in the life but I guess it will show me participating in a differend kind of Forum :p

This is not the typical way the "Day in the Life" type things go. First it spans 4 days, in order to better help with even getting out to shoot for just one day.

Also there is nothing "typical" about our MR members. Big differences in ages, interests, and experiences. Along with where we live, work and visit.

Seeing your images from Rome would be just as great, as if you had stayed home. :)

Lau said:
I like the idea, Chip. :)

Unfortunately, my graphic design degree show* and portfolio is due on the 31st May, and so I suspect I'll spend that weekend in somewhat of a frenzy. :p

However, if I do take photos, they may be quite amusing. :D

I certainly look forward to seeing what people do with this.

I can see some fun in your weekend frenzy. Can't wait!:)

tektonnic said:
Brilliant idea, love it! Its my uni's last day of term on the fri, so I know it'll certainly involve drinking, partying, radio presenting and seeing some people for the last time ever...!

Shame I'll have to use my phone for alot of the pics.....

Sounds very fun and moving. Can't wait - btw, an early congrats!

What camera you use does not matter, just as long as you can upload digital files somehow (Hint to those with a film camera and no scanner, many labs will burn a CD for you at the time of processing.)


macrumors 68020
Oct 14, 2005
My weekend should be awesome - doing the RORC North Sea Race. Are the pictures for artistic merit, or intended as a record of what went on?

I can definitely do the latter but not so sure about the former - I don't take very good pictures and, whilst I've no problem with criticism, don't want to lower the standard!

Still, I'll take plenty and hope I get lucky.

Great idea by the way. :)

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
sunfast said:
My weekend should be awesome - doing the RORC North Sea Race. Are the pictures for artistic merit, or intended as a record of what went on?

IMO either. But I am still trying to get a feel as to what others think. This is not just my thread, but a thread for all MR members to share that weekend in.

I can definitely do the latter but not so sure about the former - I don't take very good pictures and, whilst I've no problem with criticism, don't want to lower the standard!

Still, I'll take plenty and hope I get lucky.

Great idea by the way. :)

There is no standard for the images. Yes, this is in the DPF as opposed to the MR Picture Forum. That is why I suggested that if a poster did not want comments on their photo post, they should say so. My thought on this was to make it easy. But there are those that would like to get "critiqued" and those that don't.

As I have said some where here on MR :)) ), some of the best images I have seen are from customers of mine that had no clue as to what a shutter speed or f-stop was. They just came away with images that would make some pros blush.

That being said, I had hopes of people posting some images here in order to spark the imagination. Since none have been posted so far I will share some that I have posted before and some new ones.

The first one is an abstract from a stay in Las Vegas in 2000. The second is from my trip to Iceland this past February, a shot of myself and a wonder woman, Sarah, that I met at BWI - we had a great two nights doing museums, dinner, and the clubs. The third image is just being in the right place at the right time, back in October when the Sox won the right to play in the World Series. Or in the final image it could be as boring as my waiting for my lunch at Bistro Boudin in SF last summer.

The possibilities are endless for this weekend shoot. It is my hope that we learn more about each other. And maybe see some meaningful photos to add to the pleasure.

While each of the images I have shared have their merit perhaps, the one of Sarah perhaps means the most to me right. She was such a wonderful person to share my first trip outside of the US with, and we met by chance at the Sam Adams Bar at BWI before boarding the flight to Iceland. (BTW, I wrote the above from the heart - but is also an example of the "editorial" comment that I thought we might want to leave when we post the images from the last weekend in May.)


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Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Now is the time to post your past images from different times

I hope the mods will allow me to follow up with a separate post.

I never wanted this thread to be a words only thread. I had hoped that we might see some examples from everyone to give each of us an idea what this "task" - BTW, I hated using that word, but wanted to try to keep the title as short as possible. :)

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Only 14 days till the first posts!

I had hoped for some "questionable" post questions.
But given the high number of visits here, I have some hope that the last weekend of May will be fun.

This is not meant to be an assignment thread. Anything goes during the May 26 thru May 29 period.

As an example; here are some of my images from a weekend visit to Chicago back in October of 2005. I am trying to select the best five. In reviewing these shots - these may be the tip of the iceberg.


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macrumors 603
Dec 19, 2002
When I first saw this I thought "this'll probably be a pretty boring weekend", but I just realized that I'll be having a big pre-grad weekend party with a big group of friends...should turn out some really cool pictures. :) Now I'm excited! :D
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