apple is replacing my imac after a month of running in place with themselves.
i bought a 24" imac earlier this year. the hardrive started making odd noises and the system started hanging and freezing last month. apple took it in for repair 29 days ago. first- replace hardrive. then replace optical drive. didn't work. next the logic board is up for repair. then they notice the power supply is burning up. next replace power supply before putting the LB in. still getting problem.. so they think the 2nd hardrive was damage from testing it with the bad power supply. so next they want to put a 3rd hardrive in the system.
at this point i want a new system from scratch. because if the power supply has messed up 2 hardrives and a logic board and an optical drive.. then it has to have effected the led screen. not to mention if the bad power supply messed up a second hardrive.. it probably messed up the second optical drive as well. so i voice this and they assure me that all other parts are in working order that they will put in the 3rd hard drive and a new cable for the hardrive b/c it was faulty as well.
in the meanwhile i try to get them to offer a new repair plan for the next year to back up these repairs.. and they would not. i had my 100 days or so left on my warranty and that would be the end of it
i found this unacceptable. so on the 28th day i made them agree to a timetable of repair if they didnt meet then they would have to replace the thing from fresh. they could not meet the timetable they agreed to to get the 3rd hardrive and cable in so they are now going to send me a fresh imac.
my old imac was 2.4ghz and this one will be 2.8 . the old one had 1g of ram that came with and this one will have 2g (the point is lost on me b/c i had purchased my own 4g chip which may or may not be compatible with the new system and are most likely damage anyway from the old systems out of control power supply) and i'll have 1 yr warrantly on the new unit (i'm supposed to be thankful that i get this "new" 1 yr warranty)
so they tell me that i will have to box the old one up and mail it in and they will send out the new one.. which seems normal until i get a call about how i will have to use the old box. of course after 9 months i dont have the old box. i thought this was a joke. so he put me on hold to talk it over with the team and they decided, i guess, they can manage to send me a box out to send it back in.
the most annoying thing about all of this is at the point he let me know the timetable would not be honored and i would be getting a new system sent, would i like to purchase anything to upgrade it. this is the moment i am proud of myself for that i did not flip my $#!+ because i was patient and simply let him know that i would not. i can't believe apple tried to make some money off of me at this point. they have got to be out of their minds for trying to upsell me on a product they are replacing because 9months into its use it completely failed and in the process caused me a month of lost services i have paid for such as internet, webhosting, mobileme account, iphone syncing, ect. And if i had not stayed on them about getting it done.. how much longer would it have taken? 2 weeks?
AND ... some poor person is going to get my old system as a refurb. a refurb in which I know for a fact the led screen and optical drive need to be replaced in becaused their lives have been cut in half.
so what am i supposed to be grateful for out of all of this. that i got my 9 month old computer replaced on the 10.5th month and i get an additional .4ghz for all my trouble. UNACCEPTABLE!
i bought a 24" imac earlier this year. the hardrive started making odd noises and the system started hanging and freezing last month. apple took it in for repair 29 days ago. first- replace hardrive. then replace optical drive. didn't work. next the logic board is up for repair. then they notice the power supply is burning up. next replace power supply before putting the LB in. still getting problem.. so they think the 2nd hardrive was damage from testing it with the bad power supply. so next they want to put a 3rd hardrive in the system.
at this point i want a new system from scratch. because if the power supply has messed up 2 hardrives and a logic board and an optical drive.. then it has to have effected the led screen. not to mention if the bad power supply messed up a second hardrive.. it probably messed up the second optical drive as well. so i voice this and they assure me that all other parts are in working order that they will put in the 3rd hard drive and a new cable for the hardrive b/c it was faulty as well.
in the meanwhile i try to get them to offer a new repair plan for the next year to back up these repairs.. and they would not. i had my 100 days or so left on my warranty and that would be the end of it
i found this unacceptable. so on the 28th day i made them agree to a timetable of repair if they didnt meet then they would have to replace the thing from fresh. they could not meet the timetable they agreed to to get the 3rd hardrive and cable in so they are now going to send me a fresh imac.
my old imac was 2.4ghz and this one will be 2.8 . the old one had 1g of ram that came with and this one will have 2g (the point is lost on me b/c i had purchased my own 4g chip which may or may not be compatible with the new system and are most likely damage anyway from the old systems out of control power supply) and i'll have 1 yr warrantly on the new unit (i'm supposed to be thankful that i get this "new" 1 yr warranty)
so they tell me that i will have to box the old one up and mail it in and they will send out the new one.. which seems normal until i get a call about how i will have to use the old box. of course after 9 months i dont have the old box. i thought this was a joke. so he put me on hold to talk it over with the team and they decided, i guess, they can manage to send me a box out to send it back in.
the most annoying thing about all of this is at the point he let me know the timetable would not be honored and i would be getting a new system sent, would i like to purchase anything to upgrade it. this is the moment i am proud of myself for that i did not flip my $#!+ because i was patient and simply let him know that i would not. i can't believe apple tried to make some money off of me at this point. they have got to be out of their minds for trying to upsell me on a product they are replacing because 9months into its use it completely failed and in the process caused me a month of lost services i have paid for such as internet, webhosting, mobileme account, iphone syncing, ect. And if i had not stayed on them about getting it done.. how much longer would it have taken? 2 weeks?
AND ... some poor person is going to get my old system as a refurb. a refurb in which I know for a fact the led screen and optical drive need to be replaced in becaused their lives have been cut in half.
so what am i supposed to be grateful for out of all of this. that i got my 9 month old computer replaced on the 10.5th month and i get an additional .4ghz for all my trouble. UNACCEPTABLE!