So, here's my dillema. I'm in highschool trying desperately to save up for my first Mac this summer. I was originally eyeing the 17" iMac, and anticipating the Macbook. Well, the Macbook is perfect for me, except that I want a video card. So, I keep going back and forth on whether to buy the iMac or MB. Until recently when I thought I could really work hard, sell some games, and gather enough to maybe buy a 15" MBP. However, I'll have to do away with an immediate RAM upgrade, seperate speakers/kb/mouse, etc.
In Missouri, we have an education tax free day on Aug 6. Since it would save me a hundred bucks, I figure then would be the best time to make the purchase. However, from what I've gathered, we'll likely see new MBP upgrades as early as the next day.
So, my question is: Could I possibly buy the MBP on the 6th w/o tax, wait until the next day, and if something is announced (for immediate sale) exchange my still sealed MBP for a new one w/o paying tax. Is it okay, is it ethical? If this is some "bad thing," I'm sorry and mods can lock. But I was just wondering if anyone has done it in the past?
Also, on the tax free day, are online purchases tax free as well?
In Missouri, we have an education tax free day on Aug 6. Since it would save me a hundred bucks, I figure then would be the best time to make the purchase. However, from what I've gathered, we'll likely see new MBP upgrades as early as the next day.
So, my question is: Could I possibly buy the MBP on the 6th w/o tax, wait until the next day, and if something is announced (for immediate sale) exchange my still sealed MBP for a new one w/o paying tax. Is it okay, is it ethical? If this is some "bad thing," I'm sorry and mods can lock. But I was just wondering if anyone has done it in the past?
Also, on the tax free day, are online purchases tax free as well?