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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 14, 2014

Hey everyone,

Mostly I just wanted to go through my very frustrating Apple Care experience, hopefully my experience may benefit someone else and shed some more light on issues with these machines.

I originally purchased a 15" MacBook Pro with Touchbar shortly after their release in 2016.

Since then I have had the top case replaced on three seperate occasions, and now my machine has gone an Y2K'd itself.

Issue number 1:
Right speaker failure. Keyboard failure.

Warranty replacement of topcase (out of warranty cost $628.00 CAD).

Issue Number 2:
Speaker emitted a loud cracking / static sound. Following this the left speaker no longer functioned properly and sometimes not at all.

Warranty replacement of top case. Again, out of warranty replacement cost $628.00 CAD

Issue Number 3: November 2018
Same as Issue Number 2 combined with keyboard difficulties and kernel panic. Weird restarts. Etc etc.

Warranty replacement of topcase. Once again, out of warranty replacement cost would be $628.00 CAD.

Now onto Issue Number 4 (November - failure on December 24). This is where things begin to get more serious. Speaker issues are once again present, but less annoying. Just the occasional small crackle. At the last replacement, we had began to talk about having my device replaced entirely, but the closest Apple Store to me had the parts in stock and quickly turned around the repair.

This Apple Store, is more than an hour away by the way, making this whole process awful. Not to mention the fact that I need this computer for both University and Work. Being without it is difficult.

Fast forward through my keyboard not working. Speakers being weird and constant kernel panics. On Christmas Eve it decided to kill itself.

While at about 90% battery it decided to just shut off. Following this it would not power on at all. Finally it got to a screen showing it restarted due to an error and immediately shut off once again. For a while the backlight would turn on, eventually nothing but the fans would power on. It was dead dead.

Through this process I even attempted a hard reset. Shift + Control + Option + Power for 10 seconds. This resulted in the power chime repeating constantly, and a screetching sound. Needless to say I powered it down.

Following this it was impossible to get any sort of sign of life from it.

I called up Apple Support during this process as I already had an active case number following the third replacement that I was adding any kind of issue or unusual behaviour too. I also sent a few videos of this to my advisor. On the phone I had an appointment set up for today at 10:45am.

This was by far the worst Apple customer service experience I have ever had. Both the tech and the manager were pleasesnt enough but were the opposite of useful. Refused to work with me on a replacement saying that that would need to be done through Apple Care and instead opted to order $2400 worth of replacement parts. Are you f***ing kidding me?? Not only this, but I had to remind them to get me to sign the Work Authorization.

I got the card of the manager before leaving my machine there to be repaired.

Obviously upset, after my 110km drive home, I called Apple Care and got connected to a very helpful advisor.

This brings us to now. After being on the phone all day with an excellent advisor who has taken over my case I have finally had a replacement request put in. My advisor connected with the Apple Store who apparently don't have a device for me (I think they are being difficult), but is willing to ship out my machine and the new one should be delivered to my house assuming the request is approved by head office.

I should know more on Friday, or Monday at the latest.

Here is my question. Has anyone else had a device replaced in the past? How has the process worked for you? How long did it take to receive a new product?

I'm not sure how useful this information will be for anyone. More than anything I am just frustrated. You spend north of $3000, closer to $4000 after Apple Care and it takes constant repairs and hassle to get a device replaced. At this point it would be cheaper for Apple to just replace it and keep a happy customer.

Any feedback regarding my questions would be much appreciated.

Edit: Please forgive my spelling / formatting. Posting from my iPhone



Picking up from where I left off, this whole experience has been interesting.

I am thrilled to say that I was able to pick up my new MacBook Pro from the Apple Store yesterday evening, and have been given a very nice spec model as a replacement.

Replacement Model is as follows:
2.6 GHz 6-core i7
Radeon pro 560X

Essentially the top spec non custom model currently available. Currently available for $3,699.00 CAD

Before I say anything to horrible about my experience, I would just like to say that the final Apple Care Senior Representative I dealt with was wonderful. Getting to him however, took far too long.

After my MBP originally bricked itself, and the horrible Apple Store experience and them wanting to repair it once again and getting through to Apple once arriving back home I note that I got ahold of a great Advisor. Somewhere along the way however I began to have trouble contacting him (likely to do with the holidays?) so I went though the process of calling Apple Care, they noted that I had a priority case or something and I was immediately transferred up to a Senior Advisor again.

This Senior Advisor was fantastic. He somehow managed to sort though the myriad of stuff on file for my case, which apparently made no sense at all. Actually got a replacement issued and kept me updated everyday with what he knew regarding my case. This Advisor was fantastic. Probably the longest it took him to respond to either a call or email that I made during business hours was 20 minutes.

The issues were with Apple as a whole here. I got my machine yesterday. However, the team responsible for issuing this machine wouldn't release information about what I would be receiving until Saturday. Day's after my advisor told me a replacement had been approved.

Further more, a tracking number was not made available until AFTER the device had shipped. So both my advisor and me where left in the dark for a couple days as to what was happening.

Then came Apple Care. Apparently after you have a device repaired a couple times, your Apple Care becomes ineligible for a prorated price on your next machine.

My 2016 MBP had Apple Care which would expire in December 2019, which is before the original one year of the new machine would expire. This meant that transferring the remaining time to the new machine would not do anything.

Once again, the hero of this story is my Senior Apple Care Advisor. He reached out on my behalf to another department responsible for these transfers, and brought in another team member who was also incredible. This new team member stayed on the phone with myself for over an hour, as we waited for a (level 3?) approval too prorate my new Apple Care + plan. Incredible service here again and both these employees deserve an A+.

Side note: when did Apple Care become over $400???

Apple's internal method of dealing with this kind of issue is messy and complicated. For example the Prorated Apple Care is not discounted Apple Care. Apple reimburses you via direct deposit or gift card, and then sells you the new plan. This is totally fine, but it sends you looking for bank transit numbers and whatnot and could be made way simpler.

I understand that part of the problem was my new machine was sent to an Apple Store and not to myself, as they already had my machine. This is not how replacement's typically work.

I have skipped over some other drama with the replacement needing to be approved twice and what not, but those headaches were situational with the Store handling shipping.

All in all, the employee's that helped me out where fantastic. I could not be happier with how helpful they were through this whole process, and I am incredibly grateful to have a brand new computer and for the patience and hard work my Advisor put into helping me.

I hope this doesn't sound like I am complaining. I am thrilled and very grateful for my end experience. I just hope that other people do not have to go through all of this as well, and that if they do, that my experience may in someway help out.

Lots of headache. Took longer than expected.
Ended up with a couple fantastic Apple employees who went above and beyond to help me out after all the headache I experienced.
Apple's internal workings for this kind of thing seem very complicated, and are frustrating to deal with. But they do have some very caring, understanding and hard working people to help you through the process.
Last edited:


macrumors member
Mar 15, 2018
That sounds like an awful experience. Thank the Lord my 2017 hasn't had any problems. Some Apple employees are not the brightest.


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 14, 2014
That sounds like an awful experience. Thank the Lord my 2017 hasn't had any problems. Some Apple employees are not the brightest.
I'm happy your experience has been better than mine. It definitely hasn't been the most enjoyable thing in the world. Terribly inconvenient


macrumors 68000
Nov 15, 2007
Sorry to hear about your awful experience. My 2016 is still working flawlessly. I think if I had your nightmare experience I would say bye bye to Apple and buy a Windows machine. Just no reason to be jerked around by those people.


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 14, 2014
Sorry to hear about your awful experience. My 2016 is still working flawlessly. I think if I had your nightmare experience I would say bye bye to Apple and buy a Windows machine. Just no reason to be jerked around by those people.

Yeah I'm not entirely sure what to do going forward.

I love Mac OS, and the file management that it provides. For photography I would love to always have a Mac as a primary editing machine.
Once I have graduated from university (1 semester to go!!!!) and my laptop needs are more trivial I might make a laptop switch down the line. It would be fantastic if the new Mac Pro is going to be as great as we hope and something like that could live at home for an editing machine and an could take over mobile needs.

But currently, my confidence in their laptops has plummeted from my confidence I've had in previous MacBook Pro's


macrumors 65816
Mar 7, 2009
Slovenia, EU
I've been through similar ordeal, but only keyboard malfunctions all the time on the 2016 model.

Expect a 2018 model with exactly the same SSD/RAM/color. Replacement time varies from country to country. Mine had to ship abroad and it took more than a month to receive a replacement. Frustrating as hell, they wouldn't accommodate shipping the new one first (they claimed it might not be the keyboard this time... yeah sure) and I had a bunch of work stuff to do so I had to resort to an old Dell and my iPhone. Really appalling service for a $3000 machine.

Oh, and expect the keyboard to start failing on new one as well.


macrumors newbie
Jan 4, 2019
Here's my experience - Since macbook purchase on Sept 2016.
Fully speced out 2016 15 inch macbook pro with 512Gb harddrive.

1.Issue 1 - Not given applecare+ due to purchase of the original MacBook pro from official authorized MacBook seller. Didnt but it at apple Store.
So had to purchase Applecare only! - Number of cases - 8 back and forth with Apple on this.

2. Issue 2 - Keyboard keys stop working
Number of days macbook in store - 7
Purchase another macbook in meantime
Time wasted with apple support - 5 case history.
Top case was replaced here

3. Issue 3 - Keyboard stop working again. This time a different key
Purchased another macbook in meantime
Time wasted a lot this time around -
Top case replaced.

4. Issue 4 - Keyboard stop working
Purchased another macbook in meantime
Top case replaced.

5. Issue 5 - Battery wear out -
Purchased a macbook in meantime
Battery replaced.

6. Issue 6 - battery backup bad
Purchased macbook in meantime
top case replaced.

7. Issue 7 - battery stops charging and takes 8-10 hours sometimes to charge fully when it does charge
Purchased macbook in meantime
This time Apple blames me that it is a software issue. Nonsense employees trying to put blame on me. So i reinstalled macbook again - I was lied at Apple Store. This was confirmed by an apple customer care representative as Apple did find issues in the battery and tried to cover it up.
3 days wasted with apple care support store.

Still my macbook will be fixed - DIDNT get macbook offered despite asking for it to replace the damn machine instead of so many repairs.

So you are lucky my friend. As a student I cannot purchase another machine due to money constraints, but I am done with Apple treating customers as trash.

PS - I am not going into details with each issues. But when I counted my number of apple support mails it was over 300 emails and 106 calls.


macrumors 65816
Mar 7, 2009
Slovenia, EU
But when I counted my number of apple support mails it was over 300 emails and 106 calls.

This is the most important. Time lost. People are cheering that Apple implemented a repair programme and replaced entire laptops for some users (including me) because of the faulty keyboards. But nobody realises that if you really use computer for work, nowadays you don't need one, but two Macbooks. One to keep you going while the other one is in service.


macrumors regular
Oct 26, 2006
I recently had my 1.5yr old 2016 15" replaced with a 2018 15" (under AppleCare). Fortunately, they offered to replace it in store after the third major repair, kept my old machine and let me leave with a sealed new one. I had the high end stock 2016, and they replaced it with the equivalent high end stock model of 2018 ($2799USD Retail).

Sorry to hear about all the hassle for you guys!


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 14, 2014
Here's my experience - Since macbook purchase on Sept 2016.
Fully speced out 2016 15 inch macbook pro with 512Gb harddrive.

1.Issue 1 - Not given applecare+ due to purchase of the original MacBook pro from official authorized MacBook seller. Didnt but it at apple Store.
So had to purchase Applecare only! - Number of cases - 8 back and forth with Apple on this.

2. Issue 2 - Keyboard keys stop working
Number of days macbook in store - 7
Purchase another macbook in meantime
Time wasted with apple support - 5 case history.
Top case was replaced here

3. Issue 3 - Keyboard stop working again. This time a different key
Purchased another macbook in meantime
Time wasted a lot this time around -
Top case replaced.

4. Issue 4 - Keyboard stop working
Purchased another macbook in meantime
Top case replaced.

5. Issue 5 - Battery wear out -
Purchased a macbook in meantime
Battery replaced.

6. Issue 6 - battery backup bad
Purchased macbook in meantime
top case replaced.

7. Issue 7 - battery stops charging and takes 8-10 hours sometimes to charge fully when it does charge
Purchased macbook in meantime
This time Apple blames me that it is a software issue. Nonsense employees trying to put blame on me. So i reinstalled macbook again - I was lied at Apple Store. This was confirmed by an apple customer care representative as Apple did find issues in the battery and tried to cover it up.
3 days wasted with apple care support store.

Still my macbook will be fixed - DIDNT get macbook offered despite asking for it to replace the damn machine instead of so many repairs.

So you are lucky my friend. As a student I cannot purchase another machine due to money constraints, but I am done with Apple treating customers as trash.

PS - I am not going into details with each issues. But when I counted my number of apple support mails it was over 300 emails and 106 calls.

Oh my goodness. I am so sorry to hear about your experience. That sounds like a nightmare to deal with right from the beginning. Having to fight just to purchase Apple Care is ridiculous, let alone having 6 repairs done, leaving you without your machine. That is totally unacceptable.

I wish that I was able to help you in some way. My only tip would be to call Apple Support, and ask to speak to level 2 or a Senior Apple Care Advisor. Ask them to open a case number for you (unless you already have an active case) and continue to phone in and add information to that case as even small issues present themselves.

Senior Advisors and up have a lot more power than the first level Apple Care Advisors. Plus once you have an open case you will / should be assigned an Advisor who you can email and have a direct voicemail line too.

I got transferred around a couple times as I had to call back over the holiday's and my original Senior Advisor was on holiday's but I ended up with an extremely helpful Advisor who was able to work with me. Due to the amount of hassle and inconvenience, plus poor customer service I experienced, he sought to make things right. I imagine after everything you have been through if you can get through to a Senior Advisor, they will be able to help you out.

Once again, I am so sorry! If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message.

I will put together a final comment with my entire experience wrapped up as well.
This is the most important. Time lost. People are cheering that Apple implemented a repair programme and replaced entire laptops for some users (including me) because of the faulty keyboards. But nobody realises that if you really use computer for work, nowadays you don't need one, but two Macbooks. One to keep you going while the other one is in service.

This is incredibly important. I have a new machine in hands now, but this time around I was without my MBP from December 24, 2018 to January 8, 2019. Which is crazy. Not to mention all the repair times as well.

As a student, while inconvenient this time around, fortunately this happened over Christmas break and I was not falling behind on class work. That said, I still have been without access to work services, etc. Frankly it has been a huge PITA. No computer means I cannot edit and deliver photos. Leaves me without proper access to coaching materials, etc.

What @aps1 has been through is just ridiculous and even more unacceptable than my experience.
I recently had my 1.5yr old 2016 15" replaced with a 2018 15" (under AppleCare). Fortunately, they offered to replace it in store after the third major repair, kept my old machine and let me leave with a sealed new one. I had the high end stock 2016, and they replaced it with the equivalent high end stock model of 2018 ($2799USD Retail).

Sorry to hear about all the hassle for you guys!

That's brilliant. I really think having store's be able to do replacements the way yours was done is the way to go. It makes for a much better customer experience, and likely costs Apple less money than having hours Apple Care Advisor time used. Not to mention the extra shipping costs etc.

Happy to hear that you were able to get a replacement device!
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