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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 7, 2018
Recently, I found a game named <Fantasy Legend: War of Contract> when I looking for some strategic RPG mobile game to kill my time. Their CG is really awsome, it just feeling like watching the Japanese animation. Hope their game is interesting as their CG. Here’s the link about it:
And I also get some photoes from their FaceBook page.


It is said that the game cost a lot while developing. I choose to believe after watching the CG and their adorable Japanese-style characters from those pictures.


The FaceBook page of <Fantasy Legend: War of Contract> just released the background story of the game. It seems is a grand background story with gods, human and some kind of mechanics (robot or something like that). And hero/heroine summon ancient spirit to fight for their homeland.


Besides, the hot technic AR is built in the game, it seems players can summon their characters in really world. I am really looking forward of what gameplay they might create by such a function. AR x RPG x Strategy? Sounds interesting.

Hope I can find somebody team up with me in this game, leave your contact information if you do want to play together guys!

Their FaceBook Link:
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