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macrumors G4
Original poster
I'm sitting looking at two of the adapters from the International Pack which look very, very alike.

They've both got round pins but one set is ever so slightly thicker than the other.

Is there any way of telling which is Continental Europe and which is 'wherever else' other than taking both with me and trying them out? :rolleyes:
Your packing space must be very constrained. ;)

The prongs on my Euro-adapter seem fairly stout, but I don't know how it compares to yours. I'm surprised there's no labeling or instruction set to tell you.
Well neither of them match particularly with the non Apple adaptor which is know is a Euro one.

The only identifying country they have written on them is China but I'm assuming that's country of origin. Ones does say WS 068 E and the other says WS 088-3

Since E sounds more European, perhaps it's that one? :confused:

I do have room for both :rolleyes: (just about) but don't really want to hike anything extra with me if not needed. I've already got chargers for phone, Powerbook, camera, camcorder and iPod speakers which already feels excessive!
Too bad you can't charge any of those via the PB's USB port.

As far as which to bring, I guess the one closest to the non-Apple Euro one.

Is it possible neither is a Euro adapter, given that they are dissimilar to the one you have?

Edit: do you really need the iPod speakers? For parties, I guess... just figured they're a bit large.
Hmmm, from there looks like I have both a 1 & a 6 so probably no real difference. I guess I'll take both!

And yes, I'm wondering about taking the speakers but it's a special request from the others in the party so they can have some music to chill to when getting ready.

I plan on it being the last thing in my bag so if I decide it's too heavy/bulky, it comes straight back out again. Thankfully, it's only an Onstage donut rather than a iPod hifi
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