I'd like to run the following:
MS Money
MS Office 2007
TagScanner (mp3 tagger)
KeyPass (password storage/generator....not fixed on this, if there's an OSX substitute, fine)
Notepad/Paint (for quick notes, edits...is there an OSX equivalent?)
under Fusion:
I've used Chrome, but only to check it out. It worked fine.
I was basically using my XP install only to run MS Money 2006 for all last year. I was holding out for Quicken for Mac, but gave up after they have pushed it out for the 3rd time (now suggested around Summer 2009).
I have switched to MoneyWell since 1/1/2009, and it seems to be working well for my limited needs.
For KeyPass, there is the native KeyChain, but I use KeePassX in OSx (not sure if that's what you're referring to). You can actually use the same database between Windows and Mac and Linux with KeePassX. However I've never used it Windows under Fusion.
Never used tagscanner.
NotePad works fine under Fusion. TextEdit is similar. I typically use Aquamacs when I need more control (I'm use to this from Linux).