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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 19, 2006
Has there been a means to tether the iPhone 3G created yet?

Nope... There was a way to do it with a jailbroken 1st gen iPhone, but it required complicated stuff like setting up a proxy server on the phone. I don't think there was that demand for such an app with edge being so slow. However, I'm really hoping that with the 3G iPhone out there, someone releases a tethering utility. Honestly, I don't care if I have to pay for an official app or jailbreak my phone - either is fine with me. I just want this functionality.
Has there been a means to tether the iPhone 3G created yet?


This was the first thing I tried the night I got home with my 3G iPhone and the most the BT connection would find is a storage device, my son was telling me that they locked this out in the BT connection and even AT&T said there would be NO TETHERING with the 3G device.

This was the first thing I tried the night I got home with my 3G iPhone and the most the BT connection would find is a storage device, my son was telling me that they locked this out in the BT connection and even AT&T said there would be NO TETHERING with the 3G device.

Um, obviously - that's why we're waiting for a 3rd party tethering solution. It is neither advertised nor supported out of the box. We're waiting for a hack or something.
Or you could just buy a data card and swap the sim chip. Works pretty good. Just tested my connection speed with it and was getting 178kps on the edge network. Great for world of warcraft.. :)
Or you could just buy a data card and swap the sim chip. Works pretty good. Just tested my connection speed with it and was getting 178kps on the edge network. Great for world of warcraft.. :)
Wow while that is sort of inconvenient, I never even thought of that - great idea... I'll have to mull that for a while. Although if the dumb phone could tether, I wouldn't have to mull :cool:
Or you could just buy a data card and swap the sim chip. Works pretty good. Just tested my connection speed with it and was getting 178kps on the edge network. Great for world of warcraft.. :)

Sorry, could you elaborate a bit? What exactly is a data card? Would doing this cause a red flag for AT&T that you're using it as such?
A data card is the Expresscard / Expansion slot card for a laptop that connects solely to a 3G/EDGE network and gets you online. Here is some info:

That sounds like a great idea, but you have to remember that the data plan for your 3G Iphone is NOT for tethering, so abnormal use of data might result in the disconnection of your service... although I would risk it myself haha :D
get the sierra 881 usb card. works great just get one unlocked on ebay for 100 bucks. dont abuse the service though and make sure you follow these settings:

Just download the Sierra Wireless watcher software off their website and when asked for settings:

APN: wap.cingular
password: CINGULAR1



If anyone says use the ISP settings (oppose WAP), please don't; those are for laptop connect customers and you may get charged data $.10 per KB. Also everything is case-sensitive.
get the sierra 881 usb card. works great just get one unlocked on ebay for 100 bucks
Thanks so much for this great information. I'm going to wait a couple months to see if the jailbreak community can come up with an official tethering solution or if ATT/Apple decide to offer some sort of official way to do it (i don't mind paying for it). If I can do it by tethering, I will - otherwise, I'll go ahead and grab this card you mention. Thanks!
no problem:cool: Im using mine right now at starbucks. really zippy.

here are the speeds Im getting

remember to only use it for browsing and small email files etc. big downloads could end up costing you. I think they have a 5 Gb soft limit, which is tough to break but still.
Setting up the SOCKS proxy DOES work, but it's really inconvenient every time you want to connect to the internet, having to mess w/ your network settings like that. I'm hoping for someone to release a more typical tethering solution.
Setting up the SOCKS proxy DOES work, but it's really inconvenient every time you want to connect to the internet, having to mess w/ your network settings like that. I'm hoping for someone to release a more typical tethering solution.

also, that kind of tethering is sooooo slow compared to using an unlocked data card
A data card is the Expresscard / Expansion slot card for a laptop that connects solely to a 3G/EDGE network and gets you online. Here is some info:

That sounds like a great idea, but you have to remember that the data plan for your 3G Iphone is NOT for tethering, so abnormal use of data might result in the disconnection of your service... although I would risk it myself haha :D

How would AT&T know that you used your SIM that way?
Which package should i download from cydia..... to be my proxy server?

Also is cydia a replacement for
OK. Let me clarify this process so I understand it. And please correct me if I have this wrong.

1 - get a new iphone with a data plan
2 - buy an unlocked USB modem that works on ATT
3 - use that modem to surf and send email by entering your iPhone info in the connection settings for that unlocked USB modem
4 - Surf gently and you should be OK

*And this would alleviate trying to tether the iPhone?

I currently have a Macbook and use a Verizon USB720 to surf. I want to buy an iPhone but am stalled because I NEED to have either tethering or connectivity through the laptop.

If this ATT modem move works, then I can ditch Verizon and still get access.

Is that right.
OK. Let me clarify this process so I understand it. And please correct me if I have this wrong.

1 - get a new iphone with a data plan
2 - buy an unlocked USB modem that works on ATT
3 - use that modem to surf and send email by entering your iPhone info in the connection settings for that unlocked USB modem
4 - Surf gently and you should be OK

*And this would alleviate trying to tether the iPhone?

I currently have a Macbook and use a Verizon USB720 to surf. I want to buy an iPhone but am stalled because I NEED to have either tethering or connectivity through the laptop.

If this ATT modem move works, then I can ditch Verizon and still get access.

Is that right.

no you have to actually remove the sim from the iphone and put it in the data card for it to work
I definitely worry about AT&T if I illegally tether. I don't want my service canceled! I know it's probably a low risk if you're careful, but I really don't want a useless iphone. I guess you could always hope that it's unlocked at that point and you can try t-mobile next, but still.

I would happily pay some nominal fee per month to allow me to tether using either an official app or a data card. I'm thinking for $10 (more per month) or less I would probably do it. Any more and I just wouldn't use it enough to justify it.
It works for me and was really easy to do :) I'm tethered atm.

I used this guide


(this is the result from my MacBook btw) on my phone shows 457.1 kbps (2/5 signal on O2 3G network)

but it works and no takin sim out of my phone :)

just to be extra clear here...

you are using an iPhone 3G?

and you used the new 2.0 jailbreak app?

and installed OPEN SSH?

hate to ask all these things, but i want to be sure before I go ahead and leave Verizon after 11 years!


It works for me and was really easy to do :) I'm tethered atm.

I used this guide


(this is the result from my MacBook btw) on my phone shows 457.1 kbps (2/5 signal on O2 3G network)

but it works and no takin sim out of my phone :)
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