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Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement

Enter the word or phrase into "Phrase" and what you want the shortcut to be under "Shortcut"
If you do not enter a shortcut it just adds the word to the dictionary so it will not autocorrect.

As for it knowing that ";dt" is "today's date", nothing is available as far as I am aware. There may be a replacement keyboard available in the App Store if you look.
Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement

Enter the word or phrase into "Phrase" and what you want the shortcut to be under "Shortcut"
If you do not enter a shortcut it just adds the word to the dictionary so it will not autocorrect.

As for it knowing that ";dt" is "today's date", nothing is available as far as I am aware. There may be a replacement keyboard available in the App Store if you look.

That's exactly it: TextExpander. And perhaps others. As well as clipboard utilities that will paste clipboard contents. Apple's replacement in Settings is fine, but kinda clunky to use compared to TextExpander, which makes it easier to create snippets to use, and can sych those with the desktop computer or other iOS devices, and so on. That's true of Copied for clipboard contents as well. But both don't work with the Smart Keyboard, or at least I can't get them to. Using the Smart Keyboard has a function to change soft keyboards, but it doesn't seem to work even if one chooses TextExpander.

So I'm wondering if there are utilities that do work, aside from Apple's, but having similar functionality. On my Mac I've got tons and tons of boilerplate snippets I can expand with a few characters, and using the iPP as a "Pro" device would require me to continue using them.
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