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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 28, 2007
Is there a trick to text messaging friends overseas from my iPhone? I tried texting Mexico and it bounced. I know the phone number is valid.
You want to make sure you put + then the country code then area code when sending internationally.

Example: If you are in Mexico sending to US you would put +15553339999 (1 is US country code)
You want to make sure you put + then the country code then area code when sending internationally.

Example: If you are in Mexico sending to US you would put +15553339999 (1 is US country code)

The + isn't it. If you're using a number internationally, you need to use "011 <country code> <city code> <number>" for texting, just as you do calling. Canada may be different, as they still go off of the area code we normally use.

In fact, Mexico is 011 52 1 <area code> <number>, while Canada is still 1 <area code> <number>.

for the UK try +44 or 0044 and omit the first 0 from the number. i.e. 07********* would become +447*********.

I had an ATT sim in my old Moto D900 whilst visiting florida and thats how i sent messages to my friends back home
Hmmm. I think I tried that too. I'd give it another go.

I know that they list how to dial it in the front of your local phone book, so you may want to have a look at that, if you have one near you.

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