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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 9, 2012
So my m.o., as always when opening TextEdit, is to immediately change the document to plain text mode -- I prefer fixed width, and I hate seeing the indent tabs at the top (yeah I know, I'm weird).

The default size of Menlo 11 is too small, so I change it... could be anything, 16pt, 18pt, whatever. Save, then reopen. It always reopens as Menlo 11.

I've tested RTF mode and it saves fonts and sizes just fine.

I've changed the default settings to open as plain in Menlo at a larger size, which is a workaround, but this is seriously screwing with my OCD because a doc should be able to save.

Can anyone sanity check me and see if this behaving the same for them? I'm on a new 16" 2023 MBP M2 Max, macOS 13.3.1. Thanks!


macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
I think you have misunderstood the nature plain text. A plain text file contains only plain text characters. It does not have any details of font, etc. All plain text files are opened with the same font and size. Any changes you make when editing the document are not saved in the plain text file. By default the font is Menlo 11. A @bogdanw says, you set this for all plain text files in Settings > New Document - Font - Plain text font: > Change.

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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 9, 2012
So, you’ve set the font size in TextEdit > Settings > New Document options > Font, but the settings only persist for RTF files?
"Font Choose a default font style and size for plain and rich text documents."

I think you have misunderstood the nature plain text. A plain text file contains only plain text characters. It does not have any details of font, etc. All plain text files are opened with the same font and size. Any changes you make when editing the document are not saved in the plain text file. By default the font is Menlo 11. A @bogdanw says, you set this for all plain text files in Settings > New Document - Font - Plain text font: > Change.

Makes complete sense, thanks. I swear that's not how I remember it working prior but realize I'm misremembering. Thanks!
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