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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 14, 2016
My 7,1 with Monterey 12.3.1 just got an update to the latest TGPro software. A few days later the computer started running as though it was full of molasses. The fans ran at top speed making quite a racket. Eventually the computer shut itself off!

Recalling the recent update I disabled TGPro by unchecking the "run at boot time" box and it seemed to improve the PC's speed.

So I rebooted it a couple of times, then did a couple of off/wait/on cycles without much improvement, so I went to the TGPro web site and followed their directions for completely removing TGPro.

The computer is now running crisply-quickly again. I left a note about the problem on TGPro's web site so if there's any reply I'll put it here.

Anyone else have a similar problem?

I think my Problem also came last update. On my 5,1 I suddenly had disk access every few seconds. After long search I found TGPro as Problem.

Disable S.M.A.R.T temperature will help.

No Problems with Fans, but take a look a the Fan overwrite Option, if you use it (my overwrite was disabled after update).
I got a nice reply from Tunabelly:

Hi Tom,

I'm really sorry to hear about this happening with TG Pro and the latest update. Just to clarify, were you using it to control the fans?

If you get a chance to try it out once more, if you find it's still slowing things down if you could please send a support package and I'll be able to see what's going on at the hardware level. A support package only includes hardware details along with the temperature and fan sensors, with no personal or system wide logs.

Whatever the case is, I'll try my best to get this fixed up for you.
Tunabelly Software

When I get time I'll see if I can respond to it.

I also had this issue after upgrading from TG Pro 2.70 to 2.71. My mac mini fans seemed stuck on full blast 24/7. I noticed that under the fan control settings my fan rpm scale was not showing the full rpm speed range from 1800 up to 5500 rpm. The bottom of the scale was pegged at 5000+ and the top was 5500 rpm.

So - the fan was essentially on full blast no matter what. After a few days of trying to fix it I rebooted into safe mode, then restarted normally. And it seems to have corrected itself.
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