As of today, I just got sick of getting that notification that Im playing my music too loud. Went on the net to see if there was a fix and only saw everyone and their mother complaining about the same thing with no fix. If this has already been discussed in here please feel free to delete this.
Here is the absolute FIX for that annoying controlling behaviour Apple added to your OS when listening to your jams with your car speaker, through your bluetooth and phone or as with me, Airpods too.
Go to
audio accessibility settings
headphone notifications and turn that puppy OFF!!! =)
Let me know if you got it fixed.
Here is the absolute FIX for that annoying controlling behaviour Apple added to your OS when listening to your jams with your car speaker, through your bluetooth and phone or as with me, Airpods too.
Go to
audio accessibility settings
headphone notifications and turn that puppy OFF!!! =)
Let me know if you got it fixed.