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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 21, 2011
Apple have something very special planned for the 2013 Mac Pros. I can tell you that much. They are going to redefine the professional computing landscape. Why do you think it has taken this long for them to release it?

I don't actually have any hard evidence but the circumstantial kind is mounting heavily. The Apple faithful will be rewarded whereas the doubters will be thrown into despair.

I fully believe that companies like Intel will be rushing to implement this tech, whatever it may be. You have been warned.
Apple just decided they couldn't be bothered upgrading to the new CPUs because the generation after is coming very soon after it + don't think the new CPUs are tbolt friendly. So it kinda makes sense.

All Intels doing really.
The Apple faithful will be rewarded whereas the doubters will be thrown into despair.

Really? That just sounds like another one of those religious crap things that the believers tell the non-believers. "If you don't believe in God, you will go to Hell". Geez. Let people believe whatever they want to believe.

Just let the time tell what is coming and stop caring what everybody else thinks. I mean really, what was the point of this thread? To tell everyone that you're an "Apple faithful" and that you will be "rewarded"?
Really? That just sounds like another one of those religious crap things that the believers tell the non-believers. "If you don't believe in God, you will go to Hell". Geez. Let people believe whatever they want to believe.

Just let the time tell what is coming and stop caring what everybody else thinks. I mean really, what was the point of this thread? To tell everyone that you're an "Apple faithful" and that you will be "rewarded"?

The guy is a loon or a troll, I wouldn't put too much thought in to the nonsense he posts on these forums. According to him no one needs more processing power than a low end 2011 iMac, Core 2 Duos are so worthless you'd be better computing by hand, Woz is a "traitor" and Apple will implement HDMI-in with the new iMacs because ... wait for it... they haven't said they won't.
I don't actually have any hard evidence but the circumstantial kind is mounting heavily. The Apple faithful will be rewarded whereas the doubters will be thrown into despair.


Like, if you doubted there would be a new one or bought a PC instead, Apple will know and not sell you the new one?

And what circumstantial evidence is mounting heavily, pray tell?
I believe, I believe brother!

Why do you think the new Apple headquarters is going to look like a space ship.

Steve Jobs was actually seeded from a advanced alien world to begin the great transformation of humans into superior techno-physical beings capable of traveling to distant galaxies.

The 2013 Mac Pro will be the first step in this journey.

Be patient and prepare for a new world! A new universe!:)
The Apple faithful will be rewarded whereas the doubters will be thrown into despair.

Ha ha. So I can't buy it (when/ if it exists) if I doubted it's existence initially? Better get pre-ordered now if I were you lest you get deemed "un-faithful". Apple sells whatever to whomever whenever regardless of loosing your religion.
This thread confuses me :confused::confused::confused:

Apple will release something, it'll probably be pretty cool, some people will hate it, cry foul and say Apple doesn't care about the pro market while the real pros buy them if they need them and continue on with their work.

It happens with each release I don't see why anyone is expecting anything new.


I believe, I believe brother!

Why do you think the new Apple headquarters is going to look like a space ship.

Steve Jobs was actually seeded from a advanced alien world to begin the great transformation of humans into superior techno-physical beings capable of traveling to distant galaxies.

The 2013 Mac Pro will be the first step in this journey.

Be patient and prepare for a new world! A new universe!:)

Halebopp and the haleboppers left long ago ;)
2013 is a year away!!! Anything can happen from now and then. Apple really drop the ball this year!!! People are building hackentoshes with better specs than the current so call "new" ones Apple is selling now.

It's a freaken shame that pros that genuinely need a new computer are forced to buy this so called "new" 2012 Mac Pro. At the very least Apple could have drop the price of these Mac Pro to meet current market value of 2009 technology.
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