the ortiginal and for that matter the first computer from apple with the name iMac
was the iMac g3 not the iMac G4
and its cute and it will live forever
it will still be working when all 27 are long gone

it was the Mac that saved apple from very likely going into
bankruptcy without it there would be no iMac 27" today
here a picture of it for the peeps who are too young to remember
thats how it started
but ther was one Mac which you could even more take as the forfather of the flatscreen iMacs
and that was the
Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh or also called TAM
it was the first all in one computer from apple with a flatscreen
and it still looks great even its build 1997 it had a bose soundsystem including subwoofer and tv and fm radio card and it did cost new 7500 dollar