What is your favorite browser? How do you rank the web browsers? In my particular order.
Mac Safari
Google Chrome
What about you?
How do you rank the available email clients? In the Mac universe in my opinion Mac Mail seems to be the easiest to use, while Thunderbird the most powerful, but then again I am not familiar with Outlook 2016, just Outlook 2011. What about you how do you rank the email clients? In my order.
Mac MS Outlook 2011
Apple Mail
Since I am a Apple person I am not familiar with what is available on Windows, however from my job I do know that Windows Outlook does several laps around mac Outlook in terms of features.
Mac Safari
Google Chrome
What about you?
How do you rank the available email clients? In the Mac universe in my opinion Mac Mail seems to be the easiest to use, while Thunderbird the most powerful, but then again I am not familiar with Outlook 2016, just Outlook 2011. What about you how do you rank the email clients? In my order.
Mac MS Outlook 2011
Apple Mail
Since I am a Apple person I am not familiar with what is available on Windows, however from my job I do know that Windows Outlook does several laps around mac Outlook in terms of features.