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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 22, 2006
Whats the "Best & Fastest" modem to get onto the internet for my iMac intel?
are some modems faster then others? i wanna get on the internet "Super-Fast!" any advice?
Your modem doesn't really matter that much. Your connection does. What are you using? Cable/DSL? Just look around for the fastest provider. I'm not sure who's the best in the U.K., however.

If you want to see your current connection speed, which will also compare you to other users in your current area, go here.

Steve1496 said:
Your modem doesn't really matter that much. Your connection does. What are you using? Cable/DSL? Just look around for the fastest provider. I'm not sure who's the best in the U.K., however.

If you want to see your current connection speed, which will also compare you to other users in your current area, go here.

i'm on about 549.2 kilobites per second on ADSL.. its funny, i'm using my iMac intel at the moment with a Speedtoch 580 wireless modem (using an ethernet wire)

but my older eMac g4 using a USB modem on the same phoneline processes the internet faster! the internet just runs faster on the eMac..

So could my new modem be the problem?
kksolano said:
Steve1496 said:
Your modem doesn't really matter that much. Your connection does. What are you using? Cable/DSL? Just look around for the fastest provider. I'm not sure who's the best in the U.K., however.

If you want to see your current connection speed, which will also compare you to other users in your current area, go here.
i'm on about 549.2 kilobites per second on ADSL.. its funny, i'm using my iMac intel at the moment with a Speedtoch 580 wireless modem (using an ethernet wire)

but my older eMac g4 using a USB modem on the same phoneline processes the internet faster! the internet just runs faster on the eMac..

So could my new modem be the problem?

So a speedtest on your eMac G4 reveals a significantly different speed, under USB? If so, you can definitely try using a USB cable and see if that increases performance.

BurtonCCC said:
I just got 9.6MB per second on that speed test. I think something is wrong. Haha.


Test doesn't support over 8.x MB, so if your speed is around that it won't work. Otherwise, I'd say try again. I got 5.8MB which is what my ISP advertises.

you could always get a dedicated t1 or t3 line:D
or.... oc192 line..... 9.952 Gbps:eek: (would be the absolute BEST but requires special special equipment and big $$$):D :D
oc768 (40Gbps) is the ultimate lusted connection

i use cable...
Good = Wireless.

Better = Someone else's wireless.

Best = Wireless from the hotel next door who have a fast connection.

Me = dial up.

Worst = dial up.

Me = Worst

Me = :( :(
I get between 24000bps and 56000bps on my dial-up. Same as above though, no DSL available, no cable allowed in a rental apartment, wireless not available/exorbitantly expensive.

Dial up is bad but having nothing is worse.
kksolano said:
Whats the "Best & Fastest" modem to get onto the internet for my iMac intel?
are some modems faster then others? i wanna get on the internet "Super-Fast!" any advice?
If you want anything usable you can forget dial-up (besides broadband tends to be just as cheap if not cheaper nowadays in the UK).

Your choices really are ADSL using some provider via a BT phone line or to get a cable modem from ntl.

I've got no experience with ADSL as I don't have a BT phone line, however, ntl's broadband service isn't bad. You also don't need to have an ntl phone line/TV package or anything just to take the broadband from ntl.
Verizon will eventually bring in Fiber Optic cable up here on the mountain,
but we're 5 miles from the closest switching hub, so I'm not holding my breath.

We're also in a heavily wooded forest, so Wireless doesn't look too good either and it's a lot of money.
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