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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
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Its April, and I was grocery shopping for tea, hot chocolate, thermal mugs, and soups that I could quickly and easily make. I also made the mistake of whistling a Christmas carol, like if it's coming soon. Boy did I miss having a cold, "real" Christmas this year.

Yes, Autumn and Winter is coming to Australia. For some plants, the leaves fall and change colour, but some plants never seem to follow suit, so it makes for some interesting contrasts. The grass also gets a bit yellow, but never completely. Autumn isn't really the same here, but it is interesting nonethe less.


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Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
may be this is an indication that specific themes don't work. Maybe if you had said a general "April picture" thread instead. Just try and post ideas on how it might me more inclusive. "Otherwise you might want to form your own photo club". :D


macrumors 603
Dec 19, 2002
Chip NoVaMac said:
may be this is an indication that specific themes don't work. Maybe if you had said a general "April picture" thread instead. Just try and post ideas on how it might me more inclusive. "Otherwise you might want to form your own photo club". :D

I'm confused. :confused:

As far as I can tell, he just wanted to show off the strangeness of Winter south of the equator...


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Yeah, it's just photos of my home. It's just strange for most of you because I'm down here and you're up there, so here's what it looks like in Australia now, which I'm sure is a lot different than what you're experiencing up there. Heck, even autumn here in Oz is a lot different than autumn in most colder places. I've never seen an autumn quite like this.

@EricNau: What part of California are you from? I always had the impression that it was always quite warm in California (and very "90210"-ish), except for maybe in a place like San Francisco where it's further north.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I get it. Well, the thing I could have done is suggest that "Autumn in May" as a topic for next month and try to pass it off to everyone as a good idea for everyone. But nah, I'd never do something crazy like that. ;)


macrumors 68020
Jun 13, 2005
Abstract said:
Yes, Autumn and Winter is coming to Australia.

I'm jealous.

The leaves are just coming out here. Buds and everything. As far as I'm concerned, leaves are just this inexorable doom. I pick off the buds, but I can't pick off all of them. Thus inexorable doom.

Next thing you know, I won't be able to see across the street anymore. Leaves'll be everywhere, closing up the world like some kind of leafy suffocation.

God I hate the sun.


Moderator emeritus
Apr 27, 2005
San Francisco, CA
Abstract said:
@EricNau: What part of California are you from? I always had the impression that it was always quite warm in California (and very "90210"-ish), except for maybe in a place like San Francisco where it's further north.
Northern California. Your impression of CA is definitely the Southern CA area. Their weather is beautiful.

This year our weather has been worse than normal. Usually at this time in April the normal temperature would be about 75 F (24 C), but it seems lately it's been more in the low 60's (17 C) and raining. The sun is just now starting to shine (on and off).

As for S. CA's weather right now, it's perfect like always.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
OutThere said:
I'm confused. :confused:

As far as I can tell, he just wanted to show off the strangeness of Winter south of the equator...

Just a bit of dirty laundry. A bit of double standards in what we should post. Most of what was posted would not pass muster under the his "assignment" rules. Even though he seems to have allowed images from a common theme


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
^^What double standard? You realize that this isn't for the assignment, either this month's or next, right?? I just posted a bunch of autumn photos that I took yesterday, so bingo, they have a common theme. Maybe we missed something. :confused:

EricNau said:
Northern California. Your impression of CA is definitely the Southern CA area. Their weather is beautiful.

Is it because of a mountain range you have in the northern region, or is it because it's a bit more north?

This year our weather has been worse than normal. Usually at this time in April the normal temperature would be about 75 F (24 C), but it seems lately it's been more in the low 60's (17 C) and raining. The sun is just now starting to shine (on and off).

Well last year was the "warmest year in recorded history." There are so many people who blame it on global warming, but now that it's cold, what do we blame your cold spring on? :p People are never happy.

thedude110 said:
I'm jealous.

The leaves are just coming out here. Buds and everything. As far as I'm concerned, leaves are just this inexorable doom. I pick off the buds, but I can't pick off all of them. Thus inexorable doom.

Next thing you know, I won't be able to see across the street anymore. Leaves'll be everywhere, closing up the world like some kind of leafy suffocation.

God I hate the sun.

I can understand why you like autumn, but the rest is a bit of humour gone a bit far, right? Leaves are cool too. ;) Trees don't look right when they're all bare.


Moderator emeritus
Apr 27, 2005
San Francisco, CA
Abstract said:
Is it because of a mountain range you have in the northern region, or is it because it's a bit more north?
I live in the valley, but we do have the Sierra-Nevada mountains on one side of us, so I guess it could be a combination of both. :confused:

Well last year was the "warmest year in recorded history." There are so many people who blame it on global warming, but now that it's cold, what do we blame your cold spring on? :p People are never happy.
Actually, they say global warming would also make weather much more "extreme," so in this case, I suppose you could blame it on global warming also. :confused:

I have no idea who to believe on the subject.


macrumors 6502a
May 30, 2005
Last Thursday here was beautiful... 80 degrees and sunny. My friends and I just sat outside all day, went to my girlfriend's lacrosse game, and I managed to get a little tan. Friday was nice but a little cooler, but this weekend is like 50-60 degrees and raining. Supposed to be nice tomorrow though:confused: :confused: I hate April.


macrumors 68020
Jun 13, 2005
Abstract said:
I can understand why you like autumn, but the rest is a bit of humour gone a bit far, right? Leaves are cool too. ;) Trees don't look right when they're all bare.

God no. I really hate leaves.

I'm generally a perfecty happy individual. I just diislike leaves and the sun.

Well -- most human beings too.

But leaves. Ugh.


macrumors regular
Apr 15, 2006
Sydney, Australia
ahhh winter is coming to Aus indeed, although it only has gotten cooler in the past 2 weeks in Sydney. Having never experienced a snowy winter christmas (like in hte movies :D), im used to swimming in the pool and having the air con on when opening up prezzies :p one day ill have a winter in the northern hemisphere, one day...
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