Darkroom, I believe on your avatar, the letter immediately following NS should be capitalized.
Assuming we're talking about Objetive-C:
nil (all lower-case) is a null pointer to an Objective-C object.
Nil (capitalized) is a null pointer to an Objective-C class.
NULL (all caps) is a null pointer to anything else.
So, conceptually, they mean the same thing but for different categories of things. They all have the same representation, too; they all happen to have the numeric value of 0.
I don't know whether or not NIL (all upper-case) has special meaning in Objective-C.
[NSApp beginSheet:sheet
modalDelegate:nil [COLOR="SeaGreen"]//pointing to an [I]object[/I] (modelDelegate?) and making it zero?[/COLOR]
didEndSelector:NULL [COLOR="SeaGreen"]//pointing to a [I]non object/class[/I] and making it zero?[/COLOR]
contextInfo:NULL]; [COLOR="SeaGreen"]//pointing to a [I]non object/class[/I] and making it zero?[/COLOR]
Don't forget NSNull!