Macbook keyboard shortcuts
I have just inherited a macbook, running os x. And so I'm learning as well.
To anyone else struggling -
Be sure to check your keyboard shortcuts within the program that you're using first! (e.g. Dreamweaver!) Then, check your system preferences if need be.
In my case, I had to create a new keyboard shortcut profile because the default dreamweaver profile was completely different from the system's configuration?! (Thus I would be using a windows keyboard during the day, a mac at night, and shuffling between dreamweaver's keyboard profile and the system's configuration - no way.)
So, for me, I reset dreamweaver's keys to the macbooks's default configuration which is:
Cmd + Right Arrow = End of line
Shift + Cmd + Right = Highlight to end of line
Cmd + Left Arrow = Beginning of line
Shift + Cmd + Left = Highlight to Beginning
Option + Right = Jump to next word
Option + Left = Jump to last word
Cmd + Up Arrow = Jump to Beginning of file
Cmd + Down Arrow = Jump to end of file
Fn + Delete = Actual Delete (forward delete)
Delete = Backspace