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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 23, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Heres to the list of what we should expect on future iPad models.

:apple: Very thin (flexible material including screen) *to reduce breaking and chipping*

:apple: Speech to text

-not like dragon dictation where after you finish, it enters everything you say all at once, Apples speech to text would be following text as you speak that way if it messes up you just say "backspace" or "delete".

-This will remove the onscreen keyboard problem.

:apple: Streamed iPhone OS

-When you buy a new iPad you sign in with a username and password with which a streamed iPhone OS shows up from the apple server being your own.

-Now you can purchase music, download apps, ect.. and it will automatically be saved on their server from your online OS that way you never have to back up or sync the iPad to a computer. (the iPad would not be a secondary device anymore)

-For example you downloaded 30 apps, 350 music, put up a wallpaper, change a few settings.. but then your iPad fell into the water or something happened to it. You then buy a new iPad, sign in with your apple ID and all of your apps, music, wallpaper, and settings are all back!

:apple: Obviously a camera for video conferencing and calling... ;)

:apple: Super OLED screen

-Vivid and true colors

:apple: Wireless Charging

-no more 30 pin connector

:apple: 24 hr battery life

:apple: Lightning fast Safari app

:apple: 4G (or by that time we might be at 5G)

-No need for broadband internet wheres you can now you 4G or 5G for internet instead of wifi since it will be very fast. Internet on the Go.

:apple: All website would be in HTML5, flash would be history. Now we can use the full web on the iPad


With all this said don't expect these anytime soon but I believe 1 by 1 we will see these features from apple in the coming years.

This could start happening within 5 to 10 years.

This is the future of apple! Looks great huh?
Yeah, Looks fantastic! Then when the high price tag hits, people can complain about how expensive it is....
No thanks to the speech to text. I don't want everyone in their brother listening to what I would be typing out. Why would you want the screen to flex?? It would be a step backwards as they would have to use some gross resistive touch screen.

I do like the rest of your list. :) wireless charging and syncing would be a giant plus!
No thanks to the speech to text. I don't want everyone in their brother listening to what I would be typing out. Why would you want the screen to flex?? It would be a step backwards as they would have to use some gross resistive touch screen.

I do like the rest of your list. :) wireless charging and syncing would be a giant plus!

The Onscreen keyboard would still be available the speech to text will just be a feature. Apple has really made it work well with voice commands on the iPhone. They will only make it better in the coming years where they will implement it to be used to type with your voice.

And with the screen and body of the device having a slight flex to it this could help apple make the device thinner because any thinner without having making the device flex could result in the device breaking like a twig. It has to be done to make it thinner.

With the screen apple will think or find a way where we can still have the same touch screen capabilities and look. They will find a way to use another material instead of glass. Theres already flexible screens that have been made but not out in the public.
These are pretty much given:

Bigger Capacity

Bigger RAM

Faster Processor for an improved OS (5.0?) and against competition devices

Open GL 3.0

Front facing cam is more likely than a back cam

Improved Safari

Wishes: Dashboard (like the Mac's), printer support via wi-fi and BT, magic mouse support, more software features that will inch it closer to having an OSX, Oleophobic coating - or at least Apple will utilize something for the smudges issue.

Thinner is unlikely. Observe the upcoming iPhone. Thinner means smaller batteries. Unless they'll utilize Samsung's new low-powered Super AMOLED, I doubt there's a reason to go for a noticeably thinner form factor. Keep the current thinness and add more hardware if they'll reduce the battery size due to an advanced power-efficient screen.
I pray voice recognition does not get good enough that everyone uses it. I live in NYC and it's bad enough listening to hundreds of people yammering on their cell phones constantly without also having to hear them dictate emails in every cafe and park.
These are pretty much given:

Bigger Capacity

Bigger RAM

Faster Processor for an improved OS (5.0?) and against competition devices

Open GL 3.0

Front facing cam is more likely than a back cam

Improved Safari

Wishes: Dashboard (like the Mac's), printer support via wi-fi and BT, magic mouse support, more software features that will inch it closer to having an OSX, Oleophobic coating - or at least Apple will utilize something for the smudges issue.

Thinner is unlikely. Observe the upcoming iPhone. Thinner means smaller batteries. Unless they'll utilize Samsung's new low-powered Super AMOLED, I doubt there's a reason to go for a noticeably thinner form factor. Keep the current thinness and add more hardware if they'll reduce the battery size due to an advanced power-efficient screen.

They will use the low-powered Super AMOLED for their screen therefore allowing them to not have a big battery so they can make the iPad thinner.

I understand where you're getting at with just keeping the size and thickness and just add better hardware but the iPad is different. Making it lighter and thinner is something that would be great on the iPad since it is a device you are suppose to hold on to for a long period of time.

Technology will advance quickly within 5 to 10 years to allow apple to make the iPad thinner and lighter but also continue to add better ram and specs.

But heres something you should know. When I was talking about their OS being online that are from their servers being streamed to your device then the ram, and all the specs won't be needed anymore because the OS would be streamed to you, therefore having apple not have to worry about space issue inside the device and now they can make it thinner. All the specs would be done from their servers.

For example "OnLive" if you heard about this new gaming development coming soon that should get you to understand what I mean.
Interesting takes, Lou. :)

Making it lighter and thinner is something that would be great on the iPad since it is a device you are suppose to hold on to for a long period of time.

Actually, the heft is the one to be addressed for that. The iPad is thin as it is. I agree thinner is good as long as it won't hamper functionality and hardware advancement.

Technology will advance quickly within 5 to 10 years to allow apple to make the iPad thinner and lighter but also continue to add better ram and specs.

Of course. But I didn't know this thread is about the iPad 5 years from now. :)

But heres something you should know. When I was talking about their OS being online that are from their servers being streamed to your device then the ram, and all the specs won't be needed anymore because the OS would be streamed to you, therefore having apple not have to worry about space issue inside the device and now they can make it thinner. All the specs would be done from their servers.

So I guess all iPads should be used with constant data connection? Once you turn off your wi-fi or 3G, your ipad is dead? :)

Apple Ipad future should run out of business. deceased. broken. shut off. stopped. thrown out. hook, line, sinker - done!
Apple Ipad future should run out of business. deceased. broken. shut off. stopped. thrown out. hook, line, sinker - done!

:D With the way the iPad sales are going, we should walk the streets with placards "Please stop buying iPads! Please!!!".
So I guess all iPads should be used with constant data connection? Once you turn off your wi-fi or 3G, your ipad is dead? :)


We will be on 4G or 5G and this will be our constant data connection so the iPad will never be dead and we will always receive the stream of our OS.

And for wi-fi. I believe everyone will be using cellular data because it's going to be much fast in the upcoming years. Wi-fi is just for a certain area and if you leave that area you won't have wi-fi no more but with 4G and 5G we will be able to always be connected.

Wi-fi will end is what I'm saying. It will stay until Cellular Data become much much faster and cheaper.
Have you been watching Iron Man 2?this tech sounds oddly familiar.

All thought up by me even before the release of the iPad. I have so many ideas that I like to come up with to make things simpler easier for the users from experience of apple products.

Such as syncing the iPad. I instantly think why do I always have to reach for the wire and plug it into these two electronics, why can't it just wirelessly sync itself!

Keep this in thought. The more advance technology gets the easier for us to use it.

For example: This new iPad. Little kids already know how to use it within minutes!
Almost none of the OP's "improvements" are things I'd want to see. I like keyboards, I don't need a camera on the device... All I want to see in future models is a larger flash drive capacity, more RAM, faster processor and continued improvements of the OS. And even better, these are all realistic and WILL happen.
Almost none of the OP's "improvements" are things I'd want to see. I like keyboards, I don't need a camera on the device... All I want to see in future models is a larger flash drive capacity, more RAM, faster processor and continued improvements of the OS. And even better, these are all realistic and WILL happen.

Yes that will happen in the 3 years.

But are you expecting them to just keep that ongoing and continue to add more ram, faster processor? Nothing New??

If the OS was an online OS we don't have to worry about Flash Drive capacity, ram, faster processor. It will all be done at apples servers. They can make the iPad thin yet have a very fast OS because apples servers would be loaded with lots of ram, processors and flash drive capacity.

The bulk is at the apples servers and the thinness is with the users iPad.

Makes sense?

This is actually better because apple could allow even faster specs without trying to figure out how to put it in the iPad with keeping the thin form factor.

Apple can just load their servers with the specs giving us the same specs as a Macbook.
But heres something you should know. When I was talking about their OS being online that are from their servers being streamed to your device then the ram, and all the specs won't be needed anymore because the OS would be streamed to you, therefore having apple not have to worry about space issue inside the device and now they can make it thinner. All the specs would be done from their servers.

There is absolutely no benefit to doing things this way, and in reality would make things worse. It makes sense for your content to be streamed so you can access it anywhere, but somehow "streaming the OS" and applications will always be a worse experience than running it locally. A network connection's latency is going to kill the responsiveness of the device, whether your connection is 3G, 4G, Wireless N, whatever- not to mention what happens in those moments that you lose the connection as the others mentioned. Think about this: a 3D game running at 30 frames per second needs to receive over 7MB of data per second just for image data..that's about 3 times faster than my somewhat premium level wired cable internet service.

The OS takes up a very small percentage of the flash memory anyway, and the flash memory takes up almost no space in the device itself relative to the battery, so there is no physical benefit to doing it, either.
multitasking (os4?), virtual memory so more apps can stay active (os4?) and a true file system where applications can share files and we can send/receive files with the cloud.

and i'd hate to say it but I want MS office on the iPad platform. I'm willing to pay through the nose for it too -> if it's really designed for the multitouch/ipad UI.

that would make my laptop semi obsolete except for when i need to type long emails.
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