The next iMac, as I see it:
- 22" and 26" display options (no more 20")
- No chin or a smaller chin at bottom of display.
- Case will have rounded edges with taper toward the edges from the center of the back like the iPhone 3g and MacBook Air.
- Quad core processor option with 2.8 being the slowest processor available.
- ATI 3870 video option with Nvidia 8800 standard.
- New mouse with multi-touch surface instead of buttons.
- No touch screen, mouse will perform the touch functions.
- Blueray drive
- 500GB drive standard with 750GB and 1TB options.
here's what is totaly wrong about your idea of the future imacs
1. rounded edges like the macbook air would be very ugly...the only reason the MBA is like that is to give it an illusion of being slimmer than it is
2. graphics cards update way to frequently for them to being using the exact same cards we're using today buddy, 3 years from now, even your standard card will likley play crysis around 100 fps
3. the mouse idea is stupid....the only apple to go multi touch would be the rumoured tablet.....all other pc/macs won't going multi touch for a while...escpecially considering it would take a complety redisgined OS X for a true multi touch experience(ya like windows 7 will be)
4. its Blu-ray not Blueray
5. are you serious...think back 3 years...100GB was huge....future imacs will sport a 1TB standard with the option of higher HDD's, or super awsome SSD(but those will probably only get up to around 500GB, there just too expensive)
6. they'll also have LED displays...and hopefully an option of those amazingly awsome OLED's!
but thats a few years down the road.....for next years iMac, this is what i see:
-at least an option of intels crazy fast Nehalem quad cores(with hyperthreading...which really acts like 8 cores)
-USB 3 technology
-same size screens in the same aluminum case
-hopefully a Blu-ray drive option
-abililty of more RAM (which will more than likely be DDR3)
-320/500Gb standard on the lower end with 750Gb on the up side
-probably better screens that will resolve the current screen issues
thats it for next year buddy, but that Nehalem is really whats making me think twice