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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 12, 2008
i'm just gonna get this thread started as it will help me and many others who are going to wait for the nehalem imacs of 2009. any news or updates should be added here so that its all together in one place.

i'll start. the next imac i'm 98% sure will be announced at macworld in january 09 and probably released to purchase that same day along with os x 10.6 which will also be announced for release. however will the next gen imac come with nehalem if so how many cores and will it be the 45nm to be released in q4 of this year or the 32nm to be released next year.:apple:
there are already a LOT of people talking (rather, speculating) about the "new" iMac's so I don't see the point of a new thread as there are at least 5 still very active talking about this exact subject.

The NEW imacs, as in, the ones that are out right now are great machines and nothing to be frowned upon.
I just bought a spanking new iMac when the aluminum version first came out. However, if Apple puts a quad-core Nehalem processor in an iMac AND at least a mid level (say a 3870) video card, I'd upgrade in a flash. :rolleyes:

Looove my iMac.

Rich :cool:
Hello, Jon i don't mean that the current imacs are no good its just if i were to spend £1500 on an imac i'd want a product at the start of its life rather than the end. the current imacs are good yes but is it worth spending so much cash on something thats going to be out dated in less than a year, no. i don't think so i would much rather wait get an imac with nehalem and when its first released and be happy in the knowledge that it won't be out dated for another 18 months and even then the nehalem imacs will still be up there with the imacs of 2012, so don't give me crap when you know i'm kinda right and just want to make yourself feel betta about blowing a load of cash on equiptment that will be outdated soon.

kudos to vumac & RichardI :apple:
Hello, Jon i don't mean that the current imacs are no good its just if i were to spend £1500 on an imac i'd want a product at the start of its life rather than the end. the current imacs are good yes but is it worth spending so much cash on something thats going to be out dated in less than a year, no. i don't think so i would much rather wait get an imac with nehalem and when its first released and be happy in the knowledge that it won't be out dated for another 18 months and even then the nehalem imacs will still be up there with the imacs of 2012, so don't give me crap when you know i'm kinda right and just want to make yourself feel betta about blowing a load of cash on equiptment that will be outdated soon.

kudos to vumac & RichardI :apple:

Wow...check the attitude guy. He gave his opinion. You don't need to be an ass to him.

10.6 isn't going to come out until at least next summer, if not later. Thats straight from Jobs' mouth. And anything about the iMac refresh is just pure speculation. Speculation that should be kept in the other threads about this topic.

P.S.-You're kidding yourself if you think that ANY computer is not going to be outdated in three years. Moore's up on it.
hey jarwark11 so yer i no what you mean abou the imac being outdated, i should have phrased it differently i ment to say that it will still be very fast and completely compatible with the software of 2012 yes there will be faster imacs etc. but i can't see the average user needing anymore power than will be available in the next imac.

also the 10.6 date will correspond with the 12-18 month cycle apple are trying to keep to and i read several times that it'll be released in uner a year.
if 10.5 was released in october last year then april will be the latest that they will release 10.6 to co-inside the 12-18 month thing.

The new imac is being brough forward because of intel and there aggressive tick tock schedule. :apple:
hey jarwark11 so yer i no what you mean abou the imac being outdated, i should have phrased it differently i ment to say that it will still be very fast and completely compatible with the software of 2012 yes there will be faster imacs etc. but i can't see the average user needing anymore power than will be available in the next imac.

also the 10.6 date will correspond with the 12-18 month cycle apple are trying to keep to and i read several times that it'll be released in uner a year.
if 10.5 was released in october last year then april will be the latest that they will release 10.6 to co-inside the 12-18 month thing.

The new imac is being brough forward because of intel and there aggressive tick tock schedule. :apple:

Listen man. i Know you are excited about apple products and thats cool. i too love my iMac and cannot wait to see future designs. But man is your wording rather defensive and insulting.

Jobs himself said next summer for 10.6. I'm sorry if you think you know more then him but very rarely has anything in tech come out BEFORE the date it is supposed to.

Chill sit back and enjoy the greatness that is apple.
Jobs actually said "about a year" when talking about the release of Snow Leopard. That could mean January but I tend to think that means next summer, as well.

As for the "current" vs. "future" iMacs, if you are expecting a major overhaul in January, I think you'll be disappointed. Speed bump? Yes. Other, minor tweaks? Perhaps. Major overhaul? Doubtful (but you never know).
The way I see this, was one which influence my decision on which iMac to buy.

I required a system soon to give me more performance over my Macbook in the work I do. I noted the current lineup of the iMac is getting on a little, but the newer 3.06GHZ variant with the 8800GS was a nice recent addition, while the older iMacs with the lower end hardware will feel the crunch when a newer iMac comes out, I am quite sure the newer 3.06 variant should be fine.

However should mine have a faulty screen as many have had happen I feel I shall cancel the finance on it, and order the Mac Pro.
Sorry if i seemed insulting. thanks to IgnatiusTheKing for backing me up. i do agree that the current imac is very very good i would buy one but then i'd probably sell it when the new one comes out lol. i mean if microsoft used some of the billions and billions of dollars they have to make a decent os then many of us probably wouldn't even own a mac. as long as you guys can see where I'm coming from then thats great. :apple:
Sorry if i seemed insulting. thanks to IgnatiusTheKing for backing me up. i do agree that the current imac is very very good i would buy one but then i'd probably sell it when the new one comes out lol. i mean if microsoft used some of the billions and billions of dollars they have to make a decent os then many of us probably wouldn't even own a mac. as long as you guys can see where I'm coming from then thats great. :apple:

I do not see why you would require the latest design, sure it is trendy perhaps but if your current system does what you require and is reliable, then why spend even more money.
ok yes thats a good point and i feel that i'm kinda preping for the future, i do alot of video editing and graphic design and yes the current imac does the job, now. i mean the newer imacs are such a leap forward from the white ones and any kinks will all be ironed out in the next gen imac its not the design that bothers me its the internal and how well its runs with the os. as IgnatiusTheKing pointed out it will be unlikely for apple to give imac a big overhaul however I'm sure that the next gen will be very smooth and any problems with the current imac such as the screen issue some are having will be fixed.

OS X 10.6 is focused on speed and stability and I'm sure that will be the case with the next imac. no new features or design but better compatability, efficiency, greener and more powerful. this is why you should wait. :apple:
ok yes thats a good point and i feel that i'm kinda preping for the future, i do alot of video editing and graphic design and yes the current imac does the job, now. i mean the newer imacs are such a leap forward from the white ones and any kinks will all be ironed out in the next gen imac its not the design that bothers me its the internal and how well its runs with the os. as IgnatiusTheKing pointed out it will be unlikely for apple to give imac a big overhaul however I'm sure that the next gen will be very smooth and any problems with the current imac such as the screen issue some are having will be fixed.

OS X 10.6 is focused on speed and stability and I'm sure that will be the case with the next imac. no new features or design but better compatability, efficiency, greener and more powerful. this is why you should wait. :apple:

False. If you need one, get it. If you don't need it, then wait. The fact of the matter is that no one knows what is going to happen when the iMac's get refreshed. For all we know they could discontinue the line, or give them the Mac Mini treatment and forget about them (not at all likely, but it could happen).

If you keep waiting for the next best thing, you'll never buy. By the time Nehalem comes out, everybody will be complaining and saying "Wait until Sandy Bridge!!! Its got 857 cores running at 10 GHz!!! And it can play Crysis on full at 120 fps!!!!"

There's no sense waiting for something when the current product does everything you need and more.
Excellently put.

I know the 3.06GHZ iMac I have on order will accomplish the tasks I have. Should I have issues with it I have plans to return it for a Mac Pro or I may wait and see what happens.
i think we are loosing sight of what this thread is for. its for any news about the next gen imac.

in response to jayhawk11 yes its a common thing to keep putting off the buy just because of what might be in the next model but i really think that the next imac will be the one to buy it really will. there are many people that have put of the buy because of nehalem and for good reason. this forum is more for them to keep track of whats going on with the next imac. :apple:
i think we are loosing sight of what this thread is for. its for any news about the next gen imac.

in response to jayhawk11 yes its a common thing to keep putting off the buy just because of what might be in the next model but i really think that the next imac will be the one to buy it really will. there are many people that have put of the buy because of nehalem and for good reason. this forum is more for them to keep track of whats going on with the next imac. :apple:

That's what this whole forum is for. Good luck trying to get everyone (or anyone, for that matter) to keep it all here.
i think we are loosing sight of what this thread is for. its for any news about the next gen imac.

in response to jayhawk11 yes its a common thing to keep putting off the buy just because of what might be in the next model but i really think that the next imac will be the one to buy it really will. there are many people that have put of the buy because of nehalem and for good reason. this forum is more for them to keep track of whats going on with the next imac. :apple:

The truth of the matter is, there will always be a new better version that will come out soon. I in general believe that it is better to buy at the beginning of a cycle which at the moment it still sort of is. But putting off buying because something better is around the corner is slightly futile as there will always be something better around the corner.

Also saying that the computers that come out next year will be good enough for any one's need indefinitely is just inaccurate. If you had told me a five years ago that I ever need a 500 GB hard drive I would have thought that you were crazy, that 80 GB hard drive was good enough for anybody. The truth is you needs will change and grow with your computer. That is the way things are with computers and to be truthful it is the way they will always be.
Again sorry for my wording i should add that it will be good enough for the average user for atleast 3 years. :apple:
The best any computer is always the NEXT one that is about to come out and never the one that JUST came out. I just ordered the 3.06 ghz machine and I'll bet its going to be good for at least 3 years cuz that's how long applecare lasts. :D
Again sorry for my wording i should add that it will be good enough for the average user for atleast 3 years. :apple:

The next iMac, as I see it:

- 22" and 26" display options (no more 20")

- No chin or a smaller chin at bottom of display.

- Case will have rounded edges with taper toward the edges from the center of the back like the iPhone 3g and MacBook Air.

- Quad core processor option with 2.8 being the slowest processor available.

- ATI 3870 video option with Nvidia 8800 standard.

- New mouse with multi-touch surface instead of buttons.

- No touch screen, mouse will perform the touch functions.

- Blueray drive

- 500GB drive standard with 750GB and 1TB options.
The next iMac, as I see it:

- 22" and 26" display options (no more 20")

- No chin or a smaller chin at bottom of display.

- Case will have rounded edges with taper toward the edges from the center of the back like the iPhone 3g and MacBook Air.

- Quad core processor option with 2.8 being the slowest processor available.

- ATI 3870 video option with Nvidia 8800 standard.

- New mouse with multi-touch surface instead of buttons.

- No touch screen, mouse will perform the touch functions.

- Blueray drive

- 500GB drive standard with 750GB and 1TB options.

here's what is totaly wrong about your idea of the future imacs

1. rounded edges like the macbook air would be very ugly...the only reason the MBA is like that is to give it an illusion of being slimmer than it is

2. graphics cards update way to frequently for them to being using the exact same cards we're using today buddy, 3 years from now, even your standard card will likley play crysis around 100 fps

3. the mouse idea is stupid....the only apple to go multi touch would be the rumoured tablet.....all other pc/macs won't going multi touch for a while...escpecially considering it would take a complety redisgined OS X for a true multi touch experience(ya like windows 7 will be)

4. its Blu-ray not Blueray

5. are you serious...think back 3 years...100GB was huge....future imacs will sport a 1TB standard with the option of higher HDD's, or super awsome SSD(but those will probably only get up to around 500GB, there just too expensive)

6. they'll also have LED displays...and hopefully an option of those amazingly awsome OLED's!

but thats a few years down the road.....for next years iMac, this is what i see:

-at least an option of intels crazy fast Nehalem quad cores(with hyperthreading...which really acts like 8 cores)
-USB 3 technology
-same size screens in the same aluminum case
-hopefully a Blu-ray drive option
-abililty of more RAM (which will more than likely be DDR3)
-320/500Gb standard on the lower end with 750Gb on the up side
-probably better screens that will resolve the current screen issues

thats it for next year buddy, but that Nehalem is really whats making me think twice
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gehrbox said:
Again sorry for my wording i should add that it will be good enough for the average user for atleast 3 years. :apple:

The next iMac, as I see it:

- 22" and 26" display options (no more 20")

- No chin or a smaller chin at bottom of display.

- Case will have rounded edges with taper toward the edges from the center of the back like the iPhone 3g and MacBook Air.

- Quad core processor option with 2.8 being the slowest processor available.

- ATI 3870 video option with Nvidia 8800 standard.

- New mouse with multi-touch surface instead of buttons.

- No touch screen, mouse will perform the touch functions.

- Blueray drive

- 500GB drive standard with 750GB and 1TB options.

I don't think we'll be seeing BluRay in the iMac before we see it in the Mac Pro, nor do I think Apple will abandon the 24" size just yet.
The first nehalems slated for q4 2008 are server/extreme desktop versions, so we might see new mac pros sporting them in january.
The rest of the nehalems will come out q2 of 2009, just in time for a late spring /summer release in the iMacs.

i'm just gonna get this thread started as it will help me and many others who are going to wait for the nehalem imacs of 2009. any news or updates should be added here so that its all together in one place.

i'll start. the next imac i'm 98% sure will be announced at macworld in january 09 and probably released to purchase that same day along with os x 10.6 which will also be announced for release. however will the next gen imac come with nehalem if so how many cores and will it be the 45nm to be released in q4 of this year or the 32nm to be released next year.:apple:
I was simply saying that this topic is absolutely not NEW and should never have been created. there are plenty of threads that have this discussion going or have been had.

the search bar is HIGHLY underused.

please search first.

all i see now on this page is Mac Mini rumors and iMac rumors..
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