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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 15, 2016
Pardon this rant but......
As of last week, I moved (not by choice) from an iPhone 6, running "8.2.something" to new shiny 6sPlus running 10.3.1. And… what an eye opener that was. 6’1” 210 lb guys shouldn’t cry, but sometimes it’s just that bad. I feel like I now need to run out and buy a shiny red backpack, or maybe a bunch of friendship bracelets. (Do they even have those any more?)

Nobody argues that Apple's IOS lineage has ever had the business user in mind. Long gone are the days of an inbox that displays "single line" email, a calendar without spinning wheels, or address books where you can view 20-30 contacts per page on a normal font size.

IOS changes be it good or bad, are more subtle when experienced over time...for some, like water on stone, for others like me, Chinese water torture as I've seen clean, efficient, logical menus/layout, and other features disappear slowly with each update.

Having jumped from 8.2 all the way to 10.3.1 in an instant vs. over 2+ years, it was a fire hose of realization of just how far Apple’s IOS and user interface has drifted away from the needs of business/professional users. As I was able to instantly able juxtapose the two, all I could think was... what or who is Apple's target audience?

There is a growing (I think massive) void in the market for a smartphone that offers an operating system w a clean, efficient user interface that does a few things really really well - Email, Calendar, Messaging, Phone with a big removable battery that lasts long, and memory expansion. Sacrifice do-everything functionality for efficiency. Sacrifice ADD inspiring omnipresent inter-connectivity for more silo’d tasking function-ability. You know, big boy/girl tasks… high volume, no-nonsense, efficiency required…

For the working world doesn’t need a picture for their contacts, nor an email inbox that looks like the old board game shoots-and-latters, or candy land. A world where the Email, Cal, Messaging and Phone don't compromise ease of use and efficiency for the sake of integrating or inter-connectivity for the sake of it with other apps, or other aspects of life.

Where screen real estate (not screen size but how the operating system uses that space) wins over the space hogging emojis, bubbles, big round fluffy Fisher Price icons, contact avatar pictures, widgets, dancing screens, slide up, drag down.... you get the idea.

I’m not sure at what update between 8.2 and 10.3.1 it went off the rails, but apple maps app is now un-usable. Until now, I was able to avoid the battery and location sucking maps options out there. The messaging app is also less clean and more cluttered with icons buttons and other trinkets. And who decided that when you now turn iPhone into landscape, that we want a default split screen experience with menus and or folders on the left. How about just the same page but now wider? Or the ability to disable the split screen?

I remember back in the day (actually last week), when I could add my boarding passes and hotels for the week into Passport with one click, and then open them up without a permanent Apple "set up ipay" Ad taking up half the screen... (Yes, you now have to "tap" you way around such things) You cannot disable...why? In my entire life, I will never need ipay, and smart enough to know where to go to activate it if I ever were to change my mind..... Again, back to whom are they designing this phone for??

It is sad really. The shift from ios 6 to 7 was the beginning of the end, and the start of developers following vs leading, changing the look, shapes, sizes, colors to seem more android like. Back then the loss was limited to visual...the once clean efficient UI that made Apple iPhone art, a thing of beauty once powered on.

Now, the loss comes also with the bizarre operating system that makes one feel like they are holding a child’s toy. A toy that isn't a made up of efficient independent, task oriented apps and features that just simply work well, but a mish mash of things that all play off each other, like a giant tangle of spaghetti, one big heaving organism of interactive, over stimulated madness. Where no one app menu or setting works really well in its own right because that now takes a back seat to the apparent need for inter connectivity. Of which none of it does any one thing well, but sure is colorful, and busy, and time consuming.

For those of us who calendar, make appointment...close calendar, open email, read email, close email, and need to navigate hundreds of them, or search through thousands of contacts, locate contact, close contacts, open text msg, type, send and close. We don't needs these functions bloated and bogged down to where they loose their identity and functionality because apple thinks the user making an appointment might need to simultaneously have it notify facebook, order a pizza, cancel a Lyft ride, and... I don’t know....send the world a gif of a dancing kitty cat.

IPhone was once, at best, a "play phone" that worked well. Now it is just a play phone.

Someone is going to create a "work phone" that plays well. That is what we need.


Jul 11, 2006
Pardon this rant but......
As of last week, I moved (not by choice) from an iPhone 6, running "8.2.something" to new shiny 6sPlus running 10.3.1. And… what an eye opener that was. 6’1” 210 lb guys shouldn’t cry, but sometimes it’s just that bad. I feel like I now need to run out and buy a shiny red backpack, or maybe a bunch of friendship bracelets. (Do they even have those any more?)

Nobody argues that Apple's IOS lineage has ever had the business user in mind. Long gone are the days of an inbox that displays "single line" email, a calendar without spinning wheels, or address books where you can view 20-30 contacts per page on a normal font size.

IOS changes be it good or bad, are more subtle when experienced over time...for some, like water on stone, for others like me, Chinese water torture as I've seen clean, efficient, logical menus/layout, and other features disappear slowly with each update.

Having jumped from 8.2 all the way to 10.3.1 in an instant vs. over 2+ years, it was a fire hose of realization of just how far Apple’s IOS and user interface has drifted away from the needs of business/professional users. As I was able to instantly able juxtapose the two, all I could think was... what or who is Apple's target audience?

There is a growing (I think massive) void in the market for a smartphone that offers an operating system w a clean, efficient user interface that does a few things really really well - Email, Calendar, Messaging, Phone with a big removable battery that lasts long, and memory expansion. Sacrifice do-everything functionality for efficiency. Sacrifice ADD inspiring omnipresent inter-connectivity for more silo’d tasking function-ability. You know, big boy/girl tasks… high volume, no-nonsense, efficiency required…

For the working world doesn’t need a picture for their contacts, nor an email inbox that looks like the old board game shoots-and-latters, or candy land. A world where the Email, Cal, Messaging and Phone don't compromise ease of use and efficiency for the sake of integrating or inter-connectivity for the sake of it with other apps, or other aspects of life.

Where screen real estate (not screen size but how the operating system uses that space) wins over the space hogging emojis, bubbles, big round fluffy Fisher Price icons, contact avatar pictures, widgets, dancing screens, slide up, drag down.... you get the idea.

I’m not sure at what update between 8.2 and 10.3.1 it went off the rails, but apple maps app is now un-usable. Until now, I was able to avoid the battery and location sucking maps options out there. The messaging app is also less clean and more cluttered with icons buttons and other trinkets. And who decided that when you now turn iPhone into landscape, that we want a default split screen experience with menus and or folders on the left. How about just the same page but now wider? Or the ability to disable the split screen?

I remember back in the day (actually last week), when I could add my boarding passes and hotels for the week into Passport with one click, and then open them up without a permanent Apple "set up ipay" Ad taking up half the screen... (Yes, you now have to "tap" you way around such things) You cannot disable...why? In my entire life, I will never need ipay, and smart enough to know where to go to activate it if I ever were to change my mind..... Again, back to whom are they designing this phone for??

It is sad really. The shift from ios 6 to 7 was the beginning of the end, and the start of developers following vs leading, changing the look, shapes, sizes, colors to seem more android like. Back then the loss was limited to visual...the once clean efficient UI that made Apple iPhone art, a thing of beauty once powered on.

Now, the loss comes also with the bizarre operating system that makes one feel like they are holding a child’s toy. A toy that isn't a made up of efficient independent, task oriented apps and features that just simply work well, but a mish mash of things that all play off each other, like a giant tangle of spaghetti, one big heaving organism of interactive, over stimulated madness. Where no one app menu or setting works really well in its own right because that now takes a back seat to the apparent need for inter connectivity. Of which none of it does any one thing well, but sure is colorful, and busy, and time consuming.

For those of us who calendar, make appointment...close calendar, open email, read email, close email, and need to navigate hundreds of them, or search through thousands of contacts, locate contact, close contacts, open text msg, type, send and close. We don't needs these functions bloated and bogged down to where they loose their identity and functionality because apple thinks the user making an appointment might need to simultaneously have it notify facebook, order a pizza, cancel a Lyft ride, and... I don’t know....send the world a gif of a dancing kitty cat.

IPhone was once, at best, a "play phone" that worked well. Now it is just a play phone.

Someone is going to create a "work phone" that plays well. That is what we need.
While I somewhat agree with you that Apple has gone to far at pushing form over function. If there was as large a market for what you are describing as you think there is then Blackberry would be doing much better than they are.


macrumors 65816
Aug 27, 2012
Not a lengthy answer to your post, but:

1. This is a complete niche market because not everyone is freaking out like you (no offence). iOS 10 is very solid for business use cases and there are many good enterprise apps.

2. saying that iOS 6 and older were more cleaner and better for business purpose is - sorry - complete bs.

3. "In my entire life, I will never need ipay..." - it's Apple Pay and a very good example that you aren't really on the edge of digitalization but you, in the same breath, are giving examples how iOS would be better for business users. I think maybe you want something different than what you are telling here.


Jul 18, 2011
For those of us who calendar, make appointment...close calendar, open email, read email, close email, and need to navigate hundreds of them, or search through thousands of contacts, locate contact, close contacts, open text msg, type, send and close. We don't needs these functions bloated and bogged down to where they loose their identity and functionality because apple thinks the user making an appointment might need to simultaneously have it notify facebook, order a pizza, cancel a Lyft ride, and... I don’t know....send the world a gif of a dancing kitty cat.

Someone is going to create a "work phone" that plays well. That is what we need.
You have written so much and I am still not sure what you are trying to say.

From what I gather, you want long battery life, expandable storage, and an easier way of doing the basic tasks like entering calendar appointments, accessing email and locating contacts.

My advice to you is to use task launchers and automation to simplify these tasks, rather than expect that iOS will bend backwards to accommodate you.

For instance, is there a reason why a business phone would need expandable storage, or is a 256 gb iPhone not enough for you? What's wrong with bringing a battery case or power bank along with you?

Likewise, learn to familiarise yourself with the various functions of iOS. You can use spotlight to search for the contact that you want and compose an email or message from there without ever having to open the contacts app.

If you have to navigate through hundreds of email, you are probably doing something wrong. For myself, I was a previous user of the mailbox app, and so I have gotten into a pretty good rhythm of triaging my apps (delete the ones I don't need, archive the ones I think I might need, put the rest in folders, pin a few important ones to the top for quick access, the rest in my inbox represents my to-do list. Alternatively, considering signing up for a service such as Sanebox which helps you manage your emails better.

For calendar entries, there are workflows which let you quickly enter calendar entries (like the workflow app).

Learning to master Siri is also a good place to start.

In short, the issue I see here isn't that iOS is prioritising form over function, but that iOS has moved on to embrace the future, and you haven't. You remain stuck in the past with your own outmoded and antiquated style of doing things. At the end of the day, iOS is a tool, and you want to get out of iOS ultimately depends on how much effort you are willing to put into learning and mastering its core functionalities.


Sep 9, 2012
If you prefer a more widget-centric OS it does sound like you'll be happier with one of the Androids. But I can see Apple heading more in this direction. They've been slowly expanding/improving Notification Centre and the acquisition of Workflow hints at further development in custom widgets and apps.

If you're not happy with the default apps you mentioned may I suggest looking for alternatives on the App Store that meet your needs? Apple now lets you delete (/hide) almost all the built-in apps. Apple's Mail is fine for my needs but Notes is ugly and I never bothered to use Reminders so I deleted it (it should be merged with an improved Notes app imo). I also hate the new iTunes app so I chose another music player (one that lets you create an EQ on the fly; a long neglected feature in iOS iTunes). Likewise I use a different weather app. The are many superior alternatives to the default apps available if you're prepared to spend a few dollars.

To quicken some tasks don't forget about Force Touch, which you have on your 6s. Some apps have useful shortcuts, but it's a shame you can't do more to customise them. Look for apps that have notification centre support.

For me, the biggest impediment to productivity comes not from the apps or OS but from being slightly too large for single-handed use. So I can't use it easily whenever I'm out carrying something else with my other hand.
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Dec 15, 2016
You can't have a something-centered this and something-centered that all the time. If Apple did that, you'd just have another version of Android.


Feb 9, 2003
the problem is your own style of working rather than not being able to accomplish work on an iPhone.

advice for business users:

1 use iCloud. don't resist. buy as much space as you need. truely have ALL work files at your fingertips, 24/7

2 use iMessage. don't need stickers. use iMessage's FaceTime Audio and Face Time Video capabilities for work calls.
add your business email as the caller ID.

3 use Pages, Numbers, and Keynote on iOS. They are beautiful. Even on an iPhone Plus.

4 make a cohesive system of either an iPad Pro or macBook and an iPhone. it works. for everyone except Excel wizards.

5 make sure you have Continuity and HandOff working. know how to set those up.

6 learn how to use the Share sheet (a page with an upwards arrow icon). it will make your data more portable, exportable, transformable.

7 make sure your keyboard is a 3rd party keyboard that allows you to type extremely fast. google Keyboard is great.

8 use Notes. it has become a great app.

9 turn Cellular Data on for almost everything.

10 turn Location tracking on for maps, weather, and other business uses

11 learn how to use Wallet for flight boarding passes

12 iBooks can neatly house PDFs if you want

13 arrange your files your own preferred way of folders using iCloud Drive

14 make sure you have found all the long-press and 3D Touch shortcuts

15 don't use POP/POP3 mail. make sure you are using IMAP.

16 Linked In app for iOS is much better than their desktop version

17 make sure you turn on Keychain sharing between macOS and iOS. it makes life totally simple.

18 use a VPN like Express VPN or TunnelBear

19 when you buy an iPhone, make sure you spend money for the top model. you said you need it for business, right?
max out on phone storage space. get apple care+.

20 make your iCloud account ID your own. use Family Sharing for sharing info/media if you want to include your SO/children.


macrumors 65816
Jun 15, 2013
Set your colors to greyscale. You know, like those people insisting on the Windows classic theme making them more productive.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2015
See ice bureaus had their work flow and automated scripts working, OS X was not needed or their needs. And it really was immature and a work in progress for years and thru OS X versions. Fix one, but on to the next.
Trouble is Security and I telnet and devices change. Otherwise people, govt and business would still be using BlackBerry too.

What happens when you get locked out of it loud? Do you have Google Drive as backup too? Google can and does try to be everything you need btw.
IOS 9 felt like work in progress and rather buggy while 10 is butter (with chocolate too!)
A phone that is 80+% done by voice? Possibly. Not me though.
Client files? That is so rolodex like. Flat files.
Click on "Jack" and find meetings, call history, project links and more?
Android can be for some more flexible, and nice, so there isn't much of a gap between the two.
You sound like an ex-BB user without a home ;)


macrumors 68030
Jul 4, 2012
I think, in one sense, IOS has never been designed for the "serious" business user. However, many millions use it as a business tool daily. Apple and other have the task of meeting the needs of business, game players, video freaks, photographers, etc. Trying to meet all needs means you can't just completely meet the needs of one type - I'm sure ther are users who don't really want and email app. I have no music on my phone and deleted that app as soon as I was able to.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
I think, in one sense, IOS has never been designed for the "serious" business user. However, many millions use it as a business tool daily. Apple and other have the task of meeting the needs of business, game players, video freaks, photographers, etc. Trying to meet all needs means you can't just completely meet the needs of one type - I'm sure ther are users who don't really want and email app. I have no music on my phone and deleted that app as soon as I was able to.
I don't know what a serious business user is. An IP lawyer friend of mine uses a 7+ and a surface book, surely that's a serious business user. I use a 6s and an sp4. Many companies are byod with mobile device management, surely a lot of IOS users are in that mix.
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Jun 6, 2010
I run two very successful businesses. I use iPhone and iPad almost exclusively to run them. Does this mean I am not a business professional? I meet with CEOs of other organisations too - they have iPhones too. Are we all just big Fisher Price loving kids then? In your eyes perhaps yes. Your rant is unjustified and pompous.
Educate yourself how you can use iOS in your daily business life and perhaps you will feel differently. If a bubble or colours annoy you, then you are using the wrong phone or you need some anger management. As others say - try Android, perhaps it's more suited to you. Threads like this get right up my nose. You have choices at your exposal yet you act like you are being forced to use iOS and it's not good enough for you even though nobody is forcing you, plus you don't even say what type of business you have or what you want to achieve. Wish there was a 'send to scrapheap' button here.


macrumors 68030
Jul 4, 2012
I didn't mean it as a rant or insult to business users if that comment was for me. What I meant is without a real file system there are things that are very difficult. I've used my i products for business but not alone. There are applications that don't run on browsers and haven't been written as an IOS app.

What I meant was that IOS devices were designed to meet many needs and not a specialty for business or games or ??
Sorry if that wasn't clear


macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2010
My biggest takeaway from your rant was the fact you're complaining about how iOS has strayed away from being business professional, all while admitting you've been using a 2 year old OS that is FULL of security vulnerabilities...

As a person in the IT Security field, this scares me big time that you're more interested in worrying about visual things, than keeping your sensitive business data secured.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2016
I do agree with a lot of things you said being that I am still a die hard iOS 6 fan and user. iOS 8 truly is where it started going down and functionality was being replaced by features. iOS 6 truly was the pinicle of simplicity due to its low use of need to tap a million times to do little things. I was impressed the other day to import a ticket into Passbook on iOS 6 and it was ready to use instantly and a little notification was on the lockscreen reminding me to use it at this particular time. I used it and tapped the info button, tapped deleted and watched as it was shredded to bits after use.

Apple maps is also where 6 shined a lot specifically with navigation tracking. While using turn-by-turn. 6 made sure that you knew where you were going and reminded you by small notifications. iOS 10 is so obtrusive with everything and it's extremely annoying. The 6 version of maps still does the same exact things the new one does and does it in a much better fashion.


One of the things that bugs the crap out of me with iOS 10 is how ridiculously big notification bubbles are. Watching a video or movie with notifications popping in is so painful. In 6 they are small and painless to look at. Since 6 is super quick with app switching, tapping a notification to reply or interact isn't a bad thing, switch apps interact switch back. It all did it in a smooth pleasing way where you weren't mad that you even had to switch in the first place.
Seriously, who approved these to be gigantic?


Have you ever tried to edit a contact using spotlight search? Yeah you can't really do that in iOS today. You could in iOS 6 because it opened contacts after you found what you were looking for. It won't even open contacts from it in 10. It's really dumb.
There are just so many things in iOS right now that are garbage compared to predecessors and I don't really understand why Apple is so scared to work backwards to make things actually work the way they should. I wish they would fix it.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Have you ever tried to edit a contact using spotlight search? Yeah you can't really do that in iOS today. You could in iOS 6 because it opened contacts after you found what you were looking for. It won't even open contacts from it in 10. It's really dumb.
There are just so many things in iOS right now that are garbage compared to predecessors and I don't really understand why Apple is so scared to work backwards to make things actually work the way they should. I wish they would fix it.
Sure, just tried this.

Search in spotlight, then 3dt the contact. Brings up options for contact. If you don't want to contact the person tap the persons name and it brings you into the edit screen. Or tap the persons name, it brings up a gray screen where you can press to contact the individual or 3dt the photo and go into directly edit a contact.

So on one hand to edit a contact requires an additional press, to contact a person is faster.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2016
Sure, just tried this.

Search in spotlight, then 3dt the contact. Brings up options for contact. If you don't want to contact the person tap the persons name and it brings you into the edit screen. Or tap the persons name, it brings up a gray screen where you can press to contact the individual or 3dt the photo and go into directly edit a contact.

So on one hand to edit a contact requires an additional press, to contact a person is faster.
Actually it isn't really. The only difference is that iOS 6 animates into an app so that's only a 3 millisecond difference compared to iOS 10. I just tested it. iOS 6 opens the phone app for contacts, since phone runs in the background all the time in 6, it opens instantly as soon as the app animation completes, not to mention the fact that it's instantly changeable like I mentioned before.
In terms of interacting with a contact overall from spotlight search, iOS 6 wins the prize for having the simplest and overall fastest average time to open the contact and/or edit it. 10 is just a mess for anything other than viewing a contact. Keep in mind that the number of 3D touch devices isn't the same as the number of non-3D touch ones. More people have older devices and/or iPads/iPods that don't have the function at all, so the point pretty much stands.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Actually it isn't really. The only difference is that iOS 6 animates into an app so that's only a 3 millisecond difference compared to iOS 10. I just tested it. iOS 6 opens the phone app for contacts, since phone runs in the background all the time in 6, it opens instantly as soon as the app animation completes, not to mention the fact that it's instantly changeable like I mentioned before.
In terms of interacting with a contact overall from spotlight search, iOS 6 wins the prize for having the simplest and overall fastest average time to open the contact and/or edit it. 10 is just a mess for anything other than viewing a contact. Keep in mind that the number of 3D touch devices isn't the same as the number of non-3D touch ones. More people have older devices and/or iPads/iPods that don't have the function at all, so the point pretty much stands.
3dt changes the entire interface
And provides more options. For example settings 3dt battery. Can't do that as fast in iOS 6. I don't care about who doesn't have 3dt, my 6s does and I much prefer iOS 10 to 6. I started with iOS 4, btw.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2016
3dt changes the entire interface
And provides more options. For example settings 3dt battery. Can't do that as fast in iOS 6. I don't care about who doesn't have 3dt, my 6s does and I much prefer iOS 10 to 6. I started with iOS 4, btw.
Then why are you fussing over this. iOS 6 was before 3D touch that's why I don't like to ever mention 3D touch in the newer versions because it's an unfair advantage to the previous ones. You can't judge software for the device's hardware benefits.


macrumors 68000
Jul 31, 2013
One of the things that bugs the crap out of me with iOS 10 is how ridiculously big notification bubbles are. Watching a video or movie with notifications popping in is so painful. In 6 they are small and painless to look at. Since 6 is super quick with app switching, tapping a notification to reply or interact isn't a bad thing, switch apps interact switch back. It all did it in a smooth pleasing way where you weren't mad that you even had to switch in the first place.
Seriously, who approved these to be gigantic?

View attachment 698530
You can alter the number of lines shown in preview for new emails. In Settings > Mail > Preview you can choose between None and 5 Lines shown in the preview notification.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Then why are you fussing over this. iOS 6 was before 3D touch that's why I don't like to ever mention 3D touch in the newer versions because it's an unfair advantage to the previous ones. You can't judge software for the device's hardware benefits.
3dT totally changes the character of IOS. Granted that came along in 2015, but at some point in time, peoples old 4s, 5 and 5s, will give up the ghost and consumers will move on from apple or onto another apple device.

All I'm pointing out on IOS 10 with 3dt, is a different animal as apple seemingly has spent a lot of time making 3dt more useful overall.
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