Gotta agree with ya Batt.
Bitch about no multi-tasking, it comes....BAM! Not enough RAM....Go Figure
Come on guys/gals...Seriously! The iPad is TRULY revolutionary!!! Less than a decade ago, stock computers sold with 64-128 megs of RAM!!! Everyone was JUST fine, and we were able to do MANY complex tasks. Just because we can upgrade our MacPros to 32 gigs...our iMacs to 16gigs...or our Mini to 8...doesn't mandate the need for that much memory in a mobile device...meant to conserve power, so it can be used for many hours without recharge.
I've got several Macs for our family owned A/V production business....Even doing several tasks at once (Excluding heavy photo or video processing), my personal Macs (iMac, MB and MBP) rarely exceed a gig of RAM usage at any given time (and all have several times that). Certainly one of the excellent traits of OSX and Apple software across the board....VERY good at memory "triage." Especially compared to Windows! (I switched 4 years ago

I think the same holds true for the mobile OS platform Apple has built for the iPhone/iPod/iPad. Extremely good memory efficiency. I don't believe the programmers will code their apps to bring the iPad to it's knees! It's not the Windows world...or even the desktop/notebook world where there are MANY variations and ages of machines in use. There's only ONE! The same one the App Developers are using!
I guess I'm just blown away but the nitpicking sometimes....stop by the board to check out some info on the iPad, only to see the disappointment of some folks...for NO reason! There are plenty of browsing apps that'll keep your tabs open! And, as a 3Gs owner myself, I'm REALLY happy with the new OS update....feels like a new phone! I've held off on the upgrade to iPhone 4...just to ride out the initial mayhem. Not so sure now though....I'm really diggin the latest update.
I apologize for the rant...but to find people bitching about a totally free update, and one that adds almost every feature folks asked borders on ridiculous...I mean, didn't you know what you were buying before you got it? This day and age of Firmware updates is exciting...just a couple short years ago, once you bought a were stuck with it, and it's limitations however great or small. Not the case anymore.
Just reminds me of a small child...getting gifts, and crying that it wasn't the one he wanted