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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 12, 2011
Anyone else getting this error message? I did everything it told me to do on Apple's website if you got this message, and I'm still getting it.
I got the error message, and then I remembered I had altered the host file in the /etc/ folder on the mac when I jail broke the device and removed the Apple server from list and the update finally went through.

Hope that potentially helps.
I've never had mine jailbroken or messed with any of the files. Very frustrating
Getting this also! VERY annoying! tried the iFix it thing with editing the host file!
Still nothing ........
Same here, I've tried everything and cant seem to get it to work.
Backup you phone. Click Restore instead of Update. Then restore from you back up.
Is your host file point to the correct server? I jb, so mine is pointed to cydia. Even if you don't jb, it still may be pointed incorrectly.
After I corrected in tiny umbrella, it installed fine.
Well I just found out a freind of mine downloaded 10.5 beta itunes on my computer at some point a while ago. Not sure why he did this or where he got it from as he is not a developer. But I have downloaded the new 10.5 itunes and deleted the beta. I am not a dev. I am trying to update my iphone to ios 5 and it says "phone not eligible for requested build".

I dont know what to do to fix this. I have a feeling that by me using that downloaded beta itunes that it has messed something up.

Please help!
Is your host file point to the correct server? I jb, so mine is pointed to cydia. Even if you don't jb, it still may be pointed incorrectly.
After I corrected in tiny umbrella, it installed fine.

How do I make sure my host file is correct?? I'm not sure what to do
Can anyone help me? I upgraded iTunes and my iPhone to os 5.0 and I'm at the stage of recovering from my backup, except it wants a password, and I know what I'm typing is correct, but it won't have it! :(
I have the same problem with my iPhone when trying to update. Mine is jailbroken however, and it won't let me restore.

I already checked off the box in TinyUmbrella that it says I must do to perform a clean restore, but still no luck.
Is your host file point to the correct server? I jb, so mine is pointed to cydia. Even if you don't jb, it still may be pointed incorrectly.
After I corrected in tiny umbrella, it installed fine.

Im confused, is there a way to update through tiny umbrella rather than iTunes?
I tried changing the host file and still getting same error! I changed host file by following the istructions by adding a "space then #"

I'm loosing my s#*@!
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