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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Nov 6, 2008
Tried searching this but couldn't find a clear answer so I'm asking here. I bought the iWork suite for the iPad. It is rumored that it will be released on the iPhone and iPod touch so if I wanted to get it on all my Apple devices, would I have to pay $10 for it each time? Thanks for the help!
I have no idea, it's possible but it would be nicer if it was one time purchase
I can't imagine the nightmare that would be pages on iPhone. Typing out long emails / txts bothers me enough. I wouldn't want to be writing my term papers on that.
And I can't see it having much editing power either, besides the usual changing fonts or size.
i really doubt that pages/keynote/numbers will be released for the iPhone or the iPod Touch.

the screen is just so small on the iPhone and the iPod Touch compared to the iPad, so there's practically no real reason to have it on either one.

i'd imagine editing things would be such a pain/nearly impossible to do.

Even if Apple does port over the apps from the iPad back to the iPhone/iPod Touch, I'd imagine it'd be a different version that you'd have to buy.
Tried searching this but couldn't find a clear answer so I'm asking here. I bought the iWork suite for the iPad. It is rumored that it will be released on the iPhone and iPod touch so if I wanted to get it on all my Apple devices, would I have to pay $10 for it each time? Thanks for the help!

I just finished reading somewhere -- I think it was 9to5Mac -- a report that suggests that the iWork suite, when it comes to the iPhone, will be a universal app that will work across all three mobile platforms.

As another poster said, I have trouble imagining Pages on a tiny screen.
I hope so. I'm no way putting down $30 just for Pages to have on 3 devices.

Even if Apple charges separately for the iPhone/iPod touch app (which I, like everyone else, think is rather unlikely), you would only have to pay twice. Right now, there are only three kinds of apps in the app store.
1. Universal - pay once, use on all three devices.
2. iPhone/iPod touch apps - pay once, use on all three devices. doesn't look good on iPads because they aren't optimized for iPad screen size, and keyboards and other controls may be hard to use on the iPad.
3. iPad only - works only on iPads, can't be installed on iPhones/iPod touches.

There's no iPhone only or iPod touch only apps, so if Apple does release iWorks for iPhone/touch as a non-Universal app, you can buy it once and put it on as many iPhones/touches as you have.
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