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Original poster
Oct 18, 2009
Tokyo, Japan
Hi everyone, this is Katyusha from Japan. I just came back from Akihabara, the most famous electric town in Tokyo, and got some info about iMac.

I went to the biggest electric store in Akihabara and found two display models, 20-inch/2.66GHz and 24-inch/2.93GHz, are marked with "SOLD OUT". The staff there told me that they don't accept preorder for these two models at the moment because they don't know when in stock again, so now I can only buy them from Apple online store.

Then I asked them if new iMac lineup will come out in this week. They told me they dont have any notice till now. They said maybe new iMac will come out, or maybe new MacBook will come out, nobody can tell you which series will be updated except Jobs. Finally they suggested if I am really interested in the new iMac, keep on waiting until 22 Oct or go to ask Jobs directly.:mad:

I am not good at English, hope you can understand what I wrote above.
Yep many worldwide retailers are stopping to stock new iMacs and the only place that's getting new orders is the Apple store since it fetches the Macs directly from the factory instead of ordering in bulk.

Thanks for confirming the refresh! :)
Well, Thursday 22nd is THE DAY for Microsoft.

And if Apple wants to steal the spotlight, we can expect revamped lineup (as much of lineup as possible; or better prices; or minor bumps; simply something that'll allow to stick the label "new" onto each machine) to be revealed tomorrow.

This would make sense and probably make Steve Balmer go and throw rocks at Apple stores ;-)
Well, Thursday 22nd is THE DAY for Microsoft.

And if Apple wants to steal the spotlight, we can expect revamped lineup (as much of lineup as possible; or better prices; or minor bumps; simply something that'll allow to stick the label "new" onto each machine) to be revealed tomorrow.

This would make sense and probably make Steve Balmer go and throw rocks at Apple stores ;-)

The staff there told me if no new lineup comes out finally, at least Apple will do some campaigning against Windows 7....
they'll have to launch one heck of a ground breaking, revolutionary device ;) Not going to happen.

Not really. Win7 has been around for soo long; RC1, MSDN access, etc. It's not a wild card. It's just a better Windows. To compete with Win7 you just need to show that OS X is better; the same strategy that Apple was using for ages.

Now you want to lure people who think of buying new computers to buy Macs (and there might be plenty of those since people were waiting-out the tough Vista times!). So you just say. "Look fella, we've got some good offer here; why don't you come and take a look?"

If you're in a market for a new computer and you see a good deal for a Mac and a good deal for something else, you probably can be easily convinced that Mac is a better choice. And Apple can exploit that.

(They could always say "If you won't like OS X, you can always install Win7")
Thanks for the info. I have a few customers who I am helping out with the purchase of their iMac, I have been advising them to wait, and so far, if the October 22nd thing really is going to happen (it would make the most sense to me, to try to compete with the Windows 7 hype), then they should just hold out a few more days.

On a side note, I don't really expect there to be any sort of change to the MBP line, but for sure in the MacBook and iMac line.
IMO going against windows 7 would be a mistake. I believe Apple should advertise that the new iMacs come preloaded with both OSX and windows 7 and that no other computer can do that.

But we all know it will never happen, and that they will launch new tv ads with a bad actor saying that osx is easy...
they'll have to launch one heck of a ground breaking, revolutionary device ;) Not going to happen.

You mean something like a new iPod Shuffle, or maybe a FM App for iPhone/Touch :D

Jokes aside, I think Apple will want to update the line up, both to be able to stick the "new" label to their Macs, but also to boast with their line-up, and especially the iMac, making use of the power of multiple cores with Snow Leopard. After all, it gives Apple an excuse for not adopting Quads in the iMac before now, as the software hasn't been able to make use of them anyway. After all it is on the software side Apple have to beat MS, though it doesn't matter if the hardware lacks so much behind that you won't even notice it.
Also Apple needs some new hardware for the christmas quarter, if they want to beat Wall Street's high expectations.
All in all, everything points towards hardware refreshes very soon. I can't imagine that they won't do it before Christmas :eek:
The staff there told me if no new lineup comes out finally, at least Apple will do some campaigning against Windows 7....

The staff in Japan are not the people that control Apple's advertising department in Cupertino. Once again, like I said to your other (first) post - Apple's retail staff knows little to none about Apple's new products/overall strategy.
The staff in Japan are not the people that control Apple's advertising department in Cupertino. Once again, like I said to your other (first) post - Apple's retail staff knows little to none about Apple's new products/overall strategy.

;);) I agree with you...

But I think they should have had some info already, generally the new Mac will be soon in stock in Japan at the same time after the announcement from US.
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