I was initially intrigued but have quickly soured on the notion of buying and flashing a PC GPU. For professionals that need rock solid reliability the kludge-fudge workarounds seems like a fast-track to nowhere. I have no time for hackintosh or endlessly tweaking kexts, etc. I don't doubt there are those with the time and aptitude and desire to endlessly geek their GPU. Not me.
Just in the past week we've seen reports go from
Euphoria! 8 existing GPUs suddenly being compatible
Modesty: 4 Lesser additional GPUs being compatible
We've gone from compatible "except" DVD player and Geekbench to...
Lacking compatibility with a fleet of apps.
Every third poster talks about noise or compatibility problems.
I'd love to buy and run a 6870 (or far better) but Apple has a way of punishing people who don't play by their rules. My plan? I'll keep my Mac Pro according to standard spec...and start building a Windows behemoth where I'm not fighting Big Brother Jobs with every move I make.
Perhaps in their infinite goodness Apple will give me two or three additional low end GPUs to choose from when Lion is released. Bu I might as well face facts: Apple has become the oppressive bully they so eagerly vilified in the 1984 commercials.
Just in the past week we've seen reports go from
Euphoria! 8 existing GPUs suddenly being compatible
Modesty: 4 Lesser additional GPUs being compatible
We've gone from compatible "except" DVD player and Geekbench to...
Lacking compatibility with a fleet of apps.
Every third poster talks about noise or compatibility problems.
I'd love to buy and run a 6870 (or far better) but Apple has a way of punishing people who don't play by their rules. My plan? I'll keep my Mac Pro according to standard spec...and start building a Windows behemoth where I'm not fighting Big Brother Jobs with every move I make.
Perhaps in their infinite goodness Apple will give me two or three additional low end GPUs to choose from when Lion is released. Bu I might as well face facts: Apple has become the oppressive bully they so eagerly vilified in the 1984 commercials.