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macrumors 603
Original poster
Mar 27, 2009
The World Inbetween
One thing I dont get about Obj-C. All the people that I know that program in Obj-C recommend against [object new], instead of [[object init] alloc].

Why? I thought any methods/peices of code that automate functions in Obj-C optimise the code in some way. (Like @synthesize etc)
That should be
[[object alloc] init]

As to why no-one uses new, I'm not 100% sure. Obviously quite a lot of classes have initWithX: methods so new wouldn't do the same thing...
Isn't [obj new] just syntactic sugar, doing exactly the same as [[obj alloc] init] ? I find it strange that most people don't use the new keyword. But then again why change when you're used to alloc init :)
One thing I dont get about Obj-C. All the people that I know that program in Obj-C recommend against [object new], instead of [[object init] alloc].

Why? I thought any methods/peices of code that automate functions in Obj-C optimise the code in some way. (Like @synthesize etc)

Because the "new" method is a pointless addition that only works in the rare case when you can use an init method without parameters. And it complicates the rules for object ownership: When you create an object using alloc or a method name with "create" or "copy" then _you_ own the object. And if you use "new" - one more thing to remember.
That should be
[[object alloc] init]

As to why no-one uses new, I'm not 100% sure. Obviously quite a lot of classes have initWithX: methods so new wouldn't do the same thing...

Shhh, I wrote this just before I went to bed.:eek:

Because the "new" method is a pointless addition that only works in the rare case when you can use an init method without parameters. And it complicates the rules for object ownership: When you create an object using alloc or a method name with "create" or "copy" then _you_ own the object. And if you use "new" - one more thing to remember.

Ahh, now it makes sense.
Because the "new" method is a pointless addition that only works in the rare case when you can use an init method without parameters. And it complicates the rules for object ownership: When you create an object using alloc or a method name with "create" or "copy" then _you_ own the object. And if you use "new" - one more thing to remember.

As I understand it, when you create an object with alloc, copy or new, you get a object that is retained and you own it. So I'm confused at what point you are trying to make.
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