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macrumors 603
Original poster
Nov 30, 2004
Toronto, ON
While Siri is still in Beta, it is clearly being groomed in anticipation of the real mobile personal assistant: iPhone 5. By next year's WWDC, Siri will have been perfected and ready to be rolled out to Apple's full lineup: iPad's, Mac's, and yes... tv

Imagine walking around in your home getting ready in the morning and calling up Siri:

"Siri..." Siri comes up on your home speakers: "Yes Steve" "What does my day look like?" "Here are your appointments for today" as your iCal appears on the nearest TV "Your morning is clear, then you're meeting with your wife for lunch at 1. You have 3 consecutive appointments from 3pm to 6.

tv was made for this sort of thing. It will also differentiate tv from all the other offerings like the Ruku, GoogleTV and internet functions built into TV's.

Being announced at WWDC, the timing will be right for Apple to announce an App API to develop for tv.

With Apple already showing signs of preparing AppleTV 3 hardware, an inclusion of an A5 or A6 chip as well as a built in mic will enable both Siri and speech controlled Apps. i.e. "Show me the news headlines for today" "What are the most recent NBA standings?" "What's the weather like today?"

The shortcoming with iOS on tv is that TV's aren't touch controlled. You need to indirectly manipulate the UI with an iPad/iPod/iPhone. Speech controlled apps will solve this.


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This would make our recent apple tv purchase feel like less of a disappointment! In the weak moment of ooh shiny tech and airplay, I forgot that we still can't get most of the content here in NZ and that most of the apple tv promo information is US relevant only.

Then again I've been hearing that Siri doesn't work with a kiwi accent, so I doubt it would be worth buying newer hardware for the same limited access just to get an assistant that doesn't speak the lingo
I don't need to talk to my ATV. I want my ATV to have more than 3 channels, 1080p, and work properly. I don't need to talk to an inanimate object.
Being able to do what has been described in this thread would be fantactic!

If Apple does indeed add Siri to :apple:TV that would get us one step closer to a fully interactive home like like the sheriff's home in the TV show Eureka.

With luck I'll live long enough (I'm 58) to experance it. My kids probably will and for sure my grand kids will.

I know some folks have not been happy, or had issues, with :apple:TV but for me personally the $99.00 I spend on the :apple:TV is one of the better investments I have made. And my wife would tell you I buy a lot of gadgets :D

I don't see the microphone on the aTV happening. What I do think will happen is we'll see full Siri integration with the Remote app. You'll communicate with your aTV through your iPhone or iPod Touch. This lets you use both voice and touch. Ask Siri what's on, it displays on your phone and tv, you flick through the list and either choose something or ask Siri to look for something else. Perfect.
I'm assuming...

that you see the mic showing up in the remote?

This would minimize:

getting off the couch
more screaming at the tv

I wonder if that would be do-able in something as small as the Apple Remote.
Or it it would cause quick battery drain.

Of course, it could be a little fatter, that thing is so small it's practically a choking hazard.
that you see the mic showing up in the remote?

This would minimize:

getting off the couch
more screaming at the tv

I wonder if that would be do-able in something as small as the Apple Remote.
Or it it would cause quick battery drain.

Of course, it could be a little fatter, that thing is so small it's practically a choking hazard.
A microphone array could easily filter out ambient noise, so you wouldn't have to yell.
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that you see the mic showing up in the remote?

This would minimize:

getting off the couch
more screaming at the tv

I wonder if that would be do-able in something as small as the Apple Remote.
Or it it would cause quick battery drain.

Of course, it could be a little fatter, that thing is so small it's practically a choking hazard.

No. Your iPhone is the perfect remote as you can easily flick through anything your Siri search gives you. Some things are best done with a voice command, I don't want to be typing into my remote, and some things are best done on a touch screen, I don't want to flick through hundred of episodes of a series using voice or the simple buttons on the current remote. You just press the button on your iPhone to activate Siri "show me all available episodes of series 2 of Modern Family" the images appear on your phone and tv, you the swipe through these on your phone then click to play, maybe followed by a few more commands to Siri about subtitles/aspect ratio/volume. Siri stays on your phone, mic stays on your phone. No need to yell over your kids so you can watch tv.
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