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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 21, 2007
Southern Ontario, Canada
I have an iMac 24" that I have had for about 18 months now, after switching from a PC. I absolutely, positively love my iMac and OSX, and will never go back to Windows. I love absolutely everything about how my iMac looks and behaves, with one big exception. The "Mighty" Mouse. Simply put, it sucks. It isn't so mighty. Not the design or the looks, on the contrary, it fits the hand, and has all the buttons in the right place. But just one 'tiny' thing really kills me - the tracking. I have tried both the corded and the bluetooth versions, and they both suck. Neither one will track fast enough to go across my 24" of sapace without lifting the mouse up to return it to the position I started from. And yes, I know all about Steermouse, and have it loaded even with my current Logitech laser mouse. Problem is, it (the Logitech mouse) looks terrible sitting next to my classy iMac. Has anyone out there found a way to make the Mighty Mouse (either version) track better? Is the problem in the hardware, or software? Just my 2 cents I guess.

Rich :cool:
You have gone into your prefs and changed your mouse tracking havent you? My mouse screams past the screen. :D

Same here. I have the tracking speed all the way up in my preferences. I don't ever have to pick my mouse up and move it.

RichardI: If you don't know how to change the tracking speed on your mouse, here's how:

  1. Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard & Mouse
  2. Click on the Mouse tab
  3. Increase the Tracking slider until you are satisfied
I just received my 24" iMac three days ago, and I too was very disappointed with the wired Mighty Mouse. After using the heavier Wireless Mighty Mouse, I will be ordering it.

The wired Mighty Mouse feels very cheap!
^ Well I don't know what's going on with yours, but I have the Wireless (Bluetooth) Mighty Mouse also. I set the tracking two marks below the maximum on a 24" display. A simple flick of the wrist sends the cursor from left to right all the way. Maybe see if the battery is dying?
Nope. I tried three Bluetooth MM's over a year or so. Returned every one in the 14-day period.
I have been using a wireless one for about 2 years without many problems. I occasionally have to clean the trackball, and I often have slugglish movement when transferring stuff over a WiFi network.

I just bought a wired one for work off eBay. Seems to work just as well, although the scrolling speed is WOOOOOOOOOOOO fast, even near the slowest setting. Beats the crap outta the one-button mice we have. I can't tell you how sick I was of manually scrolling (even though I still have to in Classic junk).
If you want a good mouse, get a Logitech MX Revolution.

I use it with my Mac Pro and 23" ACD (same pixels), and it is wonderful. The "friction-less" scrolling is a pretty neat feature too.
I love the Mighty Mouse!

Most people who have problems seem to be PC switchers. Personally, I hate the twitchyness of the mouse movement in Windows.
it could be that you still have the software for the logitech installed and due to the diference in the dpi rating of the MM and the logitech that could be causing the problem, plus its accelerated scrolling, so, if you move your mouse slowly the cursor will travel a smaller distance than if you move it the same ammount quickly
If you want a good mouse, get a Logitech MX Revolution.

I use it with my Mac Pro and 23" ACD (same pixels), and it is wonderful. The "friction-less" scrolling is a pretty neat feature too.

That is, in fact the one I have and it is great. I just checked and 1 1/2" of lateral movement goes right across my screen. That's what I want. Once you have had a mouse that works that well, nothing else will do. But they are butt-ugly :rolleyes:. Oh well.

Rich :cool:
Weird. I have a mighty mouse at work, and though I hate it for the ball scroll, I don't have any tracking issues. I also have the older single click optical mouse which doesn't have tracking issues either.

I did crank the speed up in the pref pane in both cases though.
yeah - in the same boat - am an iMac noob, just got the 24" also

try this app - MouseFix - it did the trick for me :D

I set the acceleration to 5
I wanna say a lil' something for the MX Revolution as well. I've had my hands on a lot of mice (mostly Logitech ones though), and the MX Revolution is without doubt the best mouse I've ever used. I have Expose bound to the second wheel, and it's amazing. I can switch windows superfast, I have the classic back and forward buttons, middle mouse button, and still more buttons for spare functions.
As for looks, I can't change that for you, it's your opinion. But I'd like to say that in my opinion, the MM looks kind of, well, not very pretty. I like the look of most things Apple produces, except for the mice they make. The hockeypuck wasn't very nice to look at, and the same goes for the MM. It looks too clean for a mouse, and it looks as though style goes before functionality. The MX Revolution looks more futuristic, but it kinda fits in with the black and grey looks of the iPhone, iMac and new MacBooks.

Anyways, just my two cents. I'm gonna get a new iMac soon, but I'll chuck the MM right out the window =p
I got my new iMac in November, and loved everything about it but the mouse. It was awful. I used it for about 10 days then said no more, and went back to my MX. People, try a decent mouse and stop accepting the MM just because "it's made by Apple". It's terrible.
I wanna say a lil' something for the MX Revolution as well. I've had my hands on a lot of mice (mostly Logitech ones though), and the MX Revolution is without doubt the best mouse I've ever used. I have Expose bound to the second wheel, and it's amazing. I can switch windows superfast, I have the classic back and forward buttons, middle mouse button, and still more buttons for spare functions.

Yeah, I'll second that. No doubt about it for me either, My MX Revolution is the best mouse I've ever owned as well. I also have the second wheel up for Expose. I have the second wheel down set to Spaces. The free scrolling click wheel is also awesome.

I invested in the $20 for Steermouse though and don't use the Logitech drivers even though I hear they're much improved now.

The MX looks fine to me next to my iMac's Apple keyboard. It certainly looks no worse than the goose egg that was the MM.
I got my new iMac in November, and loved everything about it but the mouse. It was awful. I used it for about 10 days then said no more, and went back to my MX. People, try a decent mouse and stop accepting the MM just because "it's made by Apple". It's terrible.
Yeah I totally second that. The Mighty Mouse reminds me of that Onion thing with the Macbook Wheel "I'll buy anything shiny and made by Apple". The Mighty Mouse is simply a terrible piece of hardware. It's probably the most non-ergonometric mouse I've ever used, and it feels so cheap. If you want a good mouse buy a Logitech.
Yeah I totally second that. The Mighty Mouse reminds me of that Onion thing with the Macbook Wheel "I'll buy anything shiny and made by Apple". The Mighty Mouse is simply a terrible piece of hardware. It's probably the most non-ergonometric mouse I've ever used, and it feels so cheap. If you want a good mouse buy a Logitech.

I refuse to buy anything logitech for the simple reason they think left handed people like my self do not exist.

When i get my new iMac i'll be going for the wireless mouse as i have a decent wired razer mouse already. althoguh razer design for gaming i find they make very responsive and comfortable products for any use.
I love the Mighty Mouse!

Most people who have problems seem to be PC switchers. Personally, I hate the twitchyness of the mouse movement in Windows.

that is about the stupidest thing i've read's a documented bad design on so many levels...and i highly doubt you can note the difference between OSX and the 101 different version of the Windows OS and the thousand versions of it's hardware...just plain dumb.
i just turned tracking speed right up and woah! How is it not fast enough, it get's across my 20" screen in a small flick of the mouse.
that is about the stupidest thing i've read's a documented bad design on so many levels...and i highly doubt you can note the difference between OSX and the 101 different version of the Windows OS and the thousand versions of it's hardware...just plain dumb.

This about the stupidest thread I've read today as the last post is from 7 MONTHS AGO.

Excuse me, but are you trying to start an argument with someone in January? How bout opening a book and learning some sentence structure so people don't think you're just plain dumb?
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