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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 27, 2010
I managed to drop my iPad twice in five minutes. I was at a hotel and trying to get to the elevator and head down to check out. I had my iPad tucked under my arm with my luggage in each of my hands. I didn't put it in a bag because I was keeping it out so I could take advantage of every last second of wifi while I was waiting for the taxi out front.

Anyway...I ended up dropping it twice. Once on the carpet in my room and once on the concrete in front of the hotel. It is in an apple case so luckily there was no damage.

Let's hear your drop stories...

Had it not been in a case I think the concrete would have at least broken the glass screen.
Now see, if you would have had the 3G you would not have cared about sucking the last bit of wifi and hence not dropped your iPad. :D just kidding.

Glad it's ok, but one of the durability test I saw showed component damage after just 2 3ft drops onto a carpeted surface. It just stopped working. Makes me think that no drop is going to let the iPad escape unscaved.
Now see, if you would have had the 3G you would not have cared about sucking the last bit of wifi and hence not dropped your iPad. :D just kidding.

Glad it's ok, but one of the durability test I saw showed component damage after just 2 3ft drops onto a carpeted surface. It just stopped working. Makes me think that no drop is going to let the iPad escape unscaved.

Unscathed... it would take a lot more than one (two) data points to make this conclusion. And the OP's data points combined with your anecdote takes it from 100% to 50%. I think it's definitely possible that a single drop will cause damage and it's certainly possible that a single drop will cause no damage (or at least no material damaged).
My cat likes to stand on top of my iPad while I'm sleeping. I woke up and caught him a few times. Feline jealousy I'm thinkin:rolleyes:
No hurting on my precious though. Just one *******crazybigassblackcat messing with me :D
Unscathed... it would take a lot more than one (two) data points to make this conclusion. And the OP's data points combined with your anecdote takes it from 100% to 50%. I think it's definitely possible that a single drop will cause damage and it's certainly possible that a single drop will cause no damage (or at least no material damaged).

Thanks Grammer Cop. I have absolutely no idea what you said in that post.
Glad to hear your iPad didn't shatter into a million pieces. I have mine in the Apple case as well but haven't dropped it yet. It WILL happen. I just dread that day. :)
Whenever I hear these stories I'm so glad I have the 3yr squaretrade insurance.
Haven't people learned to buy high-priced electronics with a credit card that gives you 90 days of accidental damage or theft protection?
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